Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Pedophilia Is A Severe Personality Disorder That Effects

Pedophilia is a severe personality disorder that effects a small portion of people. Low self esteem, social efficiency and an overall feeling of inadequacy are all strong traits an individual with pedophilia possesses. The effect of such traits will be analyzed in this paper as it is a primary incentive for their criminal offenses. Pedophiles are separated into different groupings that contain a variety of motives that explain how long they will offend for and the specific reasons for why. Evolution also plays a crucial role in their offenses as it involves the competitive nature of mating. Demonstrating a low antisocial, low self worth, and need for power allows for their negative behaviours to thrive. Pedophilia and the motivation†¦show more content†¦167). Only individuals with the persistent sexual fantasy involving children qualify and tends to be stable throughout the individual’s lifespan (Laws O Donohue, 2008, p. 167). It is estimated that 3% of the population are pedophilic, however it is assumed that it is lower because of how strict qualifications are (Laws O Donohue, 2008, p. 167). Pedophilia can transpire in a multitude of ways. Some of which are the acts of exhibitionism, voyeurism, masturbating in the presence of a child, frotteurism, and various forms of penetration ((Bryant, 2011, p. 391). As the offenders grow older, they become less likely to offend (Laws O Donohue, 2008, p. 166). This is because there is a definite decrease in sexual arousal abilities (Laws O Donohue, 2008, p. 166). Defining Pedophilia: Consent When defining pedophilia, it is important to understand when an individual can consent to sexual conduct. In Canada, the age of consent is 16 and for it to not be pedophilic in nature the individual must be five years older than the victim and qualify as a pedophile (Bryant, 2011, p. 391). No person under the age of 16 can consent thus becoming a statutory rape case. An individual must also be coherent to give permissions. Defining Pedophilia: The Offender and Childhood Pedophilic tendencies tend to be lifelong which is why it is important to analyze childhood. Many individuals whom are considered pedophilic report being aware since childhood. As a child, it isShow MoreRelatedNarcissistic, Antisocial, And Dependent Personality Disorders1535 Words   |  7 PagesDiscuss narcissistic, antisocial, and dependent personality disorders. Someone with narcissistic personality disorder would show an exaggerated sense of self-importance, a preoccupation with being admired, and a lack of empathy for the feelings of others (Hooley, p.349). Many studies support the fact that narcissism has two sub types: grandiose and vulnerable narcissism (cain et al.,2008; Ronningstam, 2005, 2012). 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