Thursday, January 2, 2020

Antigone Essay On Civil Disobedience - 1190 Words

What is Civil Disobedience The refusal to obey an unjust demand for a moral belief and the refusing of the violence that may occur, are fundamental for civil disobedience. As civil disobedience is to peacefully reject a law, strong set of opinion, or something not fair. Civil disobedience can be found any where from a fictional greek story, to a real life actor who cares about the safety of the environment, to an ordinary person living their life. Antigone is disobeying a man’s law, which was established by her uncle and ruler Creon; for one of her moral beliefs. Her reasoning is that of her two brothers whom’ ultimately killed each other, one of which was buried with a full funeral ritual. While the other brother suffered being left†¦show more content†¦Woodley wrote a speech after being taken into custody, â€Å"The way to heal is with love and empathy and compassion†; woodley was peacefully protesting for the safety of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation against Energy Transfer Equity Co-Founder CEO Kelcy Warren who was working under President Trump for the pipeline project. She used her words and actions against the will of obedience for a moral belief, which concluded in an unjust arrest. Not every act of civil disobedience can be taken into account, as its the people involved, the situation, and why is it happening. One act of civil disobedience that was never really taken into account is t hat of an ordinary person, who’ never had any kind of impact on the world. For this story, im dwelling into my past. When i was a baby, my parents split up. My mom tells me, that my dad never really wanted much to do with me. So drastically, that one day, my mom lied to my dad; as she found him at the bar and set me down on the floor in my little baby carrier. She then told my dad that it was his day to take care of me, as it was in the terms they set up in court. My mom left claiming she had running to do, little did my dad know that was all a test and my mom did all her running with me earlier that day. 15 minutes later, im still sitting on the bar floor with my dad; until my mom comes in grabbing me. Putting her moral belief to get me out of thatShow MoreRelatedCivil Disobedience in Antigone and Trifles Essay1096 Words   |  5 PagesCivil Disobedience of Antigone and Mrs. Hale Civil disobedience is the purposeful violation of a law to show that it is unconstitutional or morally defective. In the plays, Antigone and Trifles, the female main characters commit an act of civil disobedience. The plays are respectively written by Sophocles and Susan Glaspell. 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