Monday, December 16, 2019

Characteristics Of The Green Knight And Sir Gawain

Chivalry is defined as the combination of qualities of an Ideal knight, namely courage, honor, courtesy, justice, and a readiness to help the weak. The story shows Sir Gawain throughout his journey overcoming obstacles that undermine and test his values as a knight; Lady Bertilak being one of those obstacles. Two characters that often portrays chivalry were Lady Bertilak and Sir Gawain nonetheless both share different characteristics. Sir Gawain portrays as a brave and a â€Å"courageous knight† throughout the story his character is developed, he himself has changed for the greater good. When faced with a challenge where it put his king to cost him his throne, Sir Gawain stepped up to the plate, â€Å"I beseech you, Sir.† (line 118-119) Knowing†¦show more content†¦Lady Bertilak did what she was told and moved on from there. She was presented as a very beautiful woman, â€Å"she was the loveliest on earth in complexion and features† and so the Lord thought it was going to be very tempting for Sir Gawain. He declined after a few tries but later accepted the gifts, â€Å"refusing it and swore on his knighthood that he could take nothing.† (line 195-196). That was the role of Lady Bertilak throughout the story, seduce Sir Gawain until he breaks. â€Å"She gave the gift with great pleasure and begged him, for her sake, to say not a word, to keep it hidden from her lord. And he sa id he would, that except for themselves this business would never be known to a man.† (line 134-139) Which proved that she was honorable she sacrificed what she thought was right to follow the orders of someone else. The entire story embraced a code that was followed, and that code was chivalry. Showing bravery, courtesy, honor, and overall being a good person was what the people lived by back then. In the beginning of the story, chivalry started once the Green Knight stepped foot into the castle. The Green Knight had one purpose beyond that entering, to play a game. Challenging the king and his court to a beheading game. Having someone to accept his challenge and basically chopping off his head, just for the pleasure of it. With time he will soon regenerate and come back to get his share of the swing. In thatShow MoreRelatedSir Gawain And The Green Knight1359 Words   |  6 PagesIn the poem â€Å"Sir Gawain and The Green Knight,† a protagonist emerges depicting an Arthurian knight named Sir Gawain. Sir Gawain, King Arthur’s nephew, takes initiative by accepting the challenge requested by the Green Knight in place of his uncle. He undergoes a perilous adventure, seeking for the Gr een Knight to receive the final blow. 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