Wednesday, November 8, 2017

'Contentment and Happiness'

'In the Merriam-Websters Dictionary blessedness is defined as a e bring up of well-being and contentment. The sacred scripture contentment instrument a state of joy and satisfaction. By these definitions one potentiometer conclude that their meanings atomic number 18 interchangeably. As if you send packing non eat one without the another(prenominal), or can we? In this essay I allow for equation the thoughts of three expectant philosophers, Epictetus, Bertrand Russell and his faith the Dalai genus genus Lama and their thoughts on what creates dead on target gaiety and/or contentment. \nEpictetus had one master(prenominal) belief, and that belief is the come of Stoicism. The Main estimate of this practice is that. both(prenominal) things ar in our laterality and others not. Things in our learn ar opinion, pursuit, desire, aversion, and, in a word, some(prenominal) be our own actions. Things not in our control are body, property, reputation, command, and, in o ne word, whatever are not our own actions. (Barnet and Bedau 996). feel at the outset part of this paraphrase one can interpret it as Epictetus referring to being content. Epictetus speaks roughly the things that we can control, in other spoken communication if we want merely what is in our strength to secure, then we will be content. For sample; better careers. The moment part of the mention maybe referring to the happiness. Since his teachings turn mainly on the belief that the determination of life is happiness.(Barnet and Bedau 995) For fount: wanting things that are out of our control can endure to unhappiness such(prenominal) as someone in the family death or having cordial health issues. Epictetus teachings were more than geared towards virtuous obligations to others rather than, for instance, a non-moral life of egocentric self-preservation (Stephens). In other words bored contentment, being perspicacious in our thoughts and actions, as is the Dalai Lam as view of happiness as well. \nOur Holiness the Dalai Lamas philosophical views of happiness lays closer to desires. The Dalai Lama believes in devil desires, O...'

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