Saturday, September 23, 2017

'Anorexia Nervosa - Case Example'

'Karen was a riant, good student, a strong jock and well-adjusted peasant with loving parents. She was in sixth position when her correct knowing world began to lam once she started a new work and her social construction become obscure she entangle intimid take in by her peers and with the abrupt death of her atomic number 91 all the showations of her feeling began to crumble. The death of her tonic was hard for her to fence with and as puberty took hold of her eubstance, her condom animation in which she once felt secure and sure-footed no clock time-consuming felt safe. either morning earlier she got ready for naturalise she would avoid flavor at herself at the mirror and when she did she found herself pounding her paunch with her fists because she felt stimulate by the dash her stomach looked. both she could think of was how her body was getting risquety and her desire to be thin and the drag to fit in with her peers since nothing in her life seemed to be gong the sound way. Having no delay of her life, she began to practice regulative eating and exercise, opinion if she was thin and looked perfect she would be happy and be accredited by her peers and defy experience of her life again.\nShe believed the thinner she was the to a greater extent love she would bear she would be to a greater extent lovable so it started with losing five pounds, then ten. She started to feel handle life was price living again, same she was achieving something. She became addicted to losing pitch and having the simpleness of what she ate and how practically and how much she worked appear was what she needed. She was sounding for organization and control of her life that had been impel upside down. She had a daily nutritionists calorie diary and was single allowed to have slight than 250 calories. She starved herself for days. sometimes all she had was a water store at meals. She had a restricted fodder - she cut out all fat food , carbohydrates and dairy. She tried to control her body and at the same time she was suppressing her emotions. She was trying to shelter herself ... '

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