Friday, October 11, 2019

Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay

My philosophy on classroom management begins with learning and being familiar with the various rolls that a teacher plays on an everyday basis. I didn’t know until taking this course that a teacher assumes so many rolls during the day. He or she takes on rolls such as: a parent, a social worker, an advisor, a counselor, and a judge. During my classroom observations and readings, I have learned that I will run into different types of students. There will be the bully, leader, follower, instigator, and the escape goat who in other words is the victim. In order to find out who and what is what, the students would have to be in groups to pin point who is playing what roll. There will also be times when I will run into parents of my students. Since reading our text my eyes have really been open on how and what to say to a parent. The first thing I would say as a teacher when I see something that is unusual about a student, I would tell the parent that I concurred with his or her child. Then I would proceed to tell the facts that I gathered to let him or her know that I feel something negative has happened. I feel that as the teacher I should know what is going on in every part of my classroom at all times. To help with my classroom surveillance, I will use witnesses momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation. All of these will contribute to my teaching profession. According to Dreikur and the Canters, there are five types of teachers (Charles, 2008). Dreikur states that I could be an autocratic, democratic, or a permissive teacher. The autocratic teacher makes his or her own decisions whereas the democratic teacher is an opinionated educator. Finally, there is the permissive teacher who is the unpredictable teacher. The Canters defined three types of teachers. The hostitle teacher views the students as adversaries. The non-assertive teacher takes a passing approach to students, and last but not least the assertive teacher clearly, confidently, and consistently, expresses class expeditions to students. After reading C.M. Charles book â€Å"Building Classroom Discipline†, I learned what a teacher should say and do to and for his or her students. According to Dreikur, teachers should always speak in positive terms. Teachers should encourage students to strive for improvement, not perfection. Emphasis should be placed on students’ strengths while minimizing their weaknesses and teachers should help students learn from mistakes. Independence should be greatly encouraged along with the assumption of responsibility. I would set to accomplish the latter task by letting my students know that I have faith in them and I would show pride in their work. I would be very optimistic and enthusiastic and use encouraging remarks such as â€Å"You have improved,† and â€Å"Can I help you† (Charles, 2008). There are five types of behaviors that I know will occur in my class. The first behavior is aggression. Aggression is physical and verbal attack on the teacher, students or property. Secondly is immorality which are acts contrary to accepted morality such as cheating, lying, and stealing. Defiance of authority is the third behavior that will possibly occur in my classroom. Defiance of authority is when students refuse to do what is requested. Finally, class disruption is talking loudly, walking about the room, clowning, tossing things, and goofing off. Goofing off can be attributed to fooling around, out of seat, not doing assigned tasks and daydreaming. Fredric Jones’ analysis of the numerous classroom observations uncovered five clusters of teacher skills that keep students productively at work and thus preventing misbehavior. Those clusters deal with classroom structure to discourage behavior; getting through body language; using say, see, and do teaching to maximize students’ attention and involvement; responsibility training through incentive system, and providing efficient help to individual students (Charles, 2008). All the theorists in C.M. Charles book, â€Å"Building Classroom Discipline† will give me professional help as a perspective teacher. I believe his book goes from beginning to end and from procedures to misbehavior, to body language to what types of students will most likely enter my class. What I have learned from his book and what I am currently learning from Mrs. Palmer is there is no way I will not get it right the first time.

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