Thursday, October 31, 2019

Establishment of a Public Relations Department within a Holiday Resort Essay - 2

Establishment of a Public Relations Department within a Holiday Resort in the Flinders Ranges Promoting Eco-Tourism - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the goal of PR by a corporation is to persuade the investors, public, employees, partners, and stakeholders to uphold a point of view about public relations, its products, leadership or political decisions. Â  Activities involving public relation include speaking at conferences, working with the press, employee communication and winning industry awards. According to Danish Public Relations Association, PR is a management function that tabulates public attitudes; define the interests, procedures, and policies of a company followed by implementing a program of action to win public acceptance and understanding. An establishment of PR department is critical in building the relationship that advance, benefit and promotes the reputation of the Holiday Resort. Being an eco-tourism sector, gaining the confidence of its clients is key, and this is facilitated through marketing the company’s services and product. Improving reputation is a fundamental objecti ve of most organizations. As such, a PR department creates an industrial partnership and strong community translating to increased productivity. The public relation will be vital in maintaining the Holiday Resort’s image and conveying its information to the general public, investors, and customers. A positive perception of Holiday Resort is likely to increase the number of tourists both locally and internationally as it improves its bottom line. The public Relation professionals will work closely with the CEO to craft an overview of how the Holiday Resort will be perceived and assist in planning to design a positive image. Unlike in marketing, the public relation professionals aim at organizing interviews with clients, writing the press release and providing information on the company’s achievements.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Health Systems Administration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Health Systems Administration - Essay Example To operate as a team in the management and direction of the hospital, the administrator, and associate administrator and chief of staff occupied the top level position of a Military hospital. For clinical services the physician chief of staff has line authority and for all administrative services, the associate administrator has line authority. They are also actively involved in the overall management of the hospital. 3. Public Relations: A health care delivery system maintains good relations with various organizations such as other hospitals, medical societies, medical schools and other colleges and universities, and public health officials and organizations The health system administrators have full responsibility for planning, directing, organizing, coordinating, and controlling overall administrative operations The Health System Administrator at this Level directs a full range of administrative services including fiscal, personnel, supply, engineering, medical records administration, and hospital housekeeping. The Health System Administrator at Level II works on a day-to-day basis with the health care delivery system's administrator and chief of staff. The health system administrator participates in top management discussions, decisions, and policymaking, and sharing accordingly in the responsibility for top management actions except those which require a strictly medical decision. The main functi The main functions include developing, and adjusting organizational structures and management systems for the administrative and allied health services

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Managing A New Product Launch The Issues Marketing Essay

Managing A New Product Launch The Issues Marketing Essay After the tremendous success of Keurig Single Cup Brewer system in Office Coffee Service (OCS) or Away-from home market in late 1990s, Keurig Inc. is about to launch their new product named as B100 for At-Home consumers in 2003. The Vice President and CEO of Keurig Incs Nick Lazaris after doing extensive market surveys and testing completed with the help of professional services and analyzing new marketing strategy and its impact on already existing marketing channels is currently facing some serious issues and problems that the senior management has yet to resolve. First of all Anderson (2005) states that Keurig wanted to pursue direct sales strategy for its new At-home brewer system B100 but in order not to affect Keurig Authorized Distributors (KAD)s sale and pricing control over OCS market Keurig thought to introduce a new K-cups called Keurig-cup especially for At-home consumers. Heavy Investment of nearly $ 700,000 ($400,000 for development of the new cup-based technology, and $60,000 per Keurig-Cup packaging line, assuming one line per each of Keurigs five roasters) had already been made and now Green Mountain Coffee Roaster (GMCR) has serious concern regarding the double production of portion packs and their storage moreover not to forget confusion that customers may have. So whether it is beneficial to pursue the launch of Keurig-cups or to just let the existing K-cups to be used in At-home brewer system. Secondly Anderson (2005) states that there is a pricing issue as the market survey shows the acceptable price to be $ 149 but after including all the variable and fixed cost of B100 system the cost incurring is $ 220 which manufacturing is making an effort to lower but it is not yet done. So in this scenario at what suitable price should B100 system be launched? And how can prize be lowered. Third issue that Anderson (2005) identified was the pricing of the K-cups or Keurig-cups which maximum their market opportunity and would be reasonable enough for both the consumers and the manufacturer. Finally the issue was to look out of the box for any other marketing effort beside the current marketing plan which might have been missed and which could make the launch of B100 At-home system successful in the market. Economic trends and expectations: While in South Asia the day starts with a cup of tea, in china its herbal tea or warm water, in American its a cup of coffee. Coffee is a beverage without with there is no concept of starting a day whether its working men, women, students, housewives or senior citizens. Adley (2010) stated that according to National Coffee Association on average, 54 per cent of the American adult population consumed coffee beverages daily and on average an American drinks 3-1 cups of coffee each day whereas America is still maintaining its 8th highest level of coffee consumption in the world. U.S Coffee market is constantly increasing where specialty coffee is the main highlight whose sales share is 8 % of the market and is jumping surprisingly 20 per cent per year.(Adley, 2010). Adley (2010) also pin pointed that the increasingly popular trend is shifted from Away-from-home towards At-home and 83% of the consumers brew their coffee at home due to awareness of greener, cheaper and anti-establishment alternative. So the economic pointers suggest that a new brewer system for At-home consumers is definitely a good idea and has the potential to prosper in the current economic trends and consumer expectations. Technology: Now technology is the one constant that keeps on evolving and if the companys brand is not technological sound or must be advance than the other competitors then there are no real prospects for the brand in the market. While looking at the technology used by the Keurig Inc. Anderson (2005) mentioned that Keurig single-portion system is design to well balance three key element amount, temperature and pressure of water to offer the consumer consistently superior taste of coffee. K-cups are designed such that one doesnt have to be concerned with how much amount of coffee would brew that perfect cup and as it is air tight, moisture resistant and for once use only so the quality of the content is not compromised and could stay fresh for 6 months. The other big competitor of Keurig is Tassimo in single-cup service market. The technology used by Tassimo is slightly superior because they are using bar-coded smart technology which enables them to brew Latte, Cappuccino and Espresso (William, 2009). Both of the companies brewer system uses single-portion packs k-cups for Keurig and T-Disc for Tassimo. Both the system offer 8 ounce of the coffee from the system which necessitate least possible cleaning just remove the K-Cup or T-Disc and there is no mess at all and the system is good to brew next cup of your favorite flavor of coffee. Keurig has taken special care in packing their K-cup to make sure that the quality of the coffee does not get depreciated before it is consumed by the customer. Whereas Coffee pods that are used in single serve brewer have special filter paper sealed together which is not affective whereas Keurig K-cups uses a patented technology that perforates through air tight k-cup and produce better coffee(Ebenezer,2009). In the Coffee market, the single cup At-home Brewer system is rapidly growing trend, 65% of the consumers takes their coffee in the breakfast (Adley, 2010). Most of which the consumers are preferring to brew coffee at home as they now have sophisticated and affordable options in the market. Market Share and Competitors: Keurig is not alone in single cup brewer market. In 2003 both Salton and Keurig introduced first brew pack system by launching Melitta One and B100 system respectively in the market(Corporate development Associates, 2007). In their report Corporate Development Associate (2007) also mentioned that Sara lee introduced Senseo system, Procter and Gamble launched Home Cafà © System and Nestle introduced refurbish Nespresso Program in 2003 whereas Kraft launched its patented product Tassimo in September 2005. So now currently Keurig has to fight tough with all the above mention brands to even maintain its market share. Keurig is in the middle of Senseo of Sara Lee and Tassimo of Kraft (Anderson, 2005). The gourmet Coffee market spawn around $ 7 billion dollar in sales annually. According to Anderson (2005) of the total Retail Coffee Market ($ in billion) At-home retail market was around $ 6.9 billion and At-home Gourmet market is $ 3.1 Billion dollar so this gave the management clear identification that there is opportunity existing in the market to launch a new product and the market markers also showed the upward trend in the growth of the market. Together, Procter Gamble and Philip Morris/Kraft hold 68% of the entire market, although they primarily target the non-gourmet coffee consumer (Anderson,2005 ). Keurig must utilize a marketing strategy that creates a competitive advantage, thus taking away market share from other companies and attracting those customers to gourmet coffee and brewing systems. While the entire coffee market seems to be an oligopoly with Procter Gamble and Philip Morris/Kraft as the main competitors, Keurig is targeting a more up-scale audience of gourmet coffee drinkers. Here, it is important to define the relevant target market and competitors within that market. In the gourmet sector of the coffee market, perfect competition does not exist; not all products offered are exactly the same. Instead, this is monopolistic competition. Products and whole marketing mixes contain differences between companies, models, and pod systems. This gives the competitors pricing options (McCarthy et al. 2005). In this monopolistic competition, Keurigs K-Cup (or Keurig-Cup) system and brewer match up very well against the competition. Keurig has some significant advantages over the competition; there are, however, areas in which Keurig trails. For example, when comparing the brewers of Flavia and Melitta, a subsidiary of Salton, the main difference is in the size of cup brewed. Melitta and Flavia both offer the user a choice between a strong five-ounce cup and a weaker eight-ounce cup. Keurigs B100 only offers the eight-ounce choice (Davids). However, Keurig is viewed to have the upper hand over these two companies because they offer the consumers a greater variety of coffees and a better quality coffee with every cup. In the up-scale sector of multi-cup brewers, competition includes Cuisinart, Krups, Braun, DeLonghi, and Bunn (Anderson,2005 ). The consumers of these up-scale brewers are those that Keurig will target and attempt to show the appeal of one-cup technology. Moreover Keurigs 85 % of the sales is expected to be coming from single cup brewer and the growing rate is also expected to be maintained at 100% and company is expecting to reach at 3.7 million homes and they believe that the single cup brewer can reach upto 20% of the U.S brewer (Notable Calls, 2009). Keurig has a sound place in the market and its products if maintain the quality of the coffee delivered than there is no doubt that the product will not only do good for itself but it will also helps Keurig to uplift its position in the market. Companys Strategy: Keurigs Strategy is simple and straight-forward and that is to provide the consumer with the best quality of cup of coffee in the comfort of their home and in minimum time (1 min to brew a cup in preheat Brewer) and affordable price. Firms marketing Strategy: The Company is thinking to utilize direct marketing approach with this new B100 Brewer System. Although for Away-Home sector the company used intermediatories and those are called Keurig Authorized Distributors (KAD). These KADs are responsible for installing and maintaining the system. KADs are used to maintain relationship with office managers and take their feedbacks but this time Keurig cannot afford to retail the product so direct marketing approach is taken into consideration but the approach cant be a success without the KADs which are currently supposing this direct marketing approach will reduce their influence (Anderson, 2005). The product promotions are done independently and even distribution needs either direct distribution or huge investment to make brewers single portion pack available to the consumer. According to Anderson (2005) research has also shown that the new brewer product is demonstration driven so the company has to think about the best way to demonstrate to the target market (At-home consumers). So in direct marketing a website would be launched along with e-mails but even in this KADS assistance is required as they have relationship with office managers which have the employees information. So when Away-Home/OCS consumers list is made available then promotional e-mails would be sending to them because Keurig is aiming the target market which will emerge from Away-Home/ OCS. Product Life Cycle: Product: The product is in its introduction stage in product life cycle and as the company is entering in a new market segment. Generally the new product in new segments tends to emphasis more on promotion, product and place so it is hard to make any considerable profit. But it is projected in market survey that the sales of the Keurig in single cup segment will tend to increase each year (Anderson, 2005). Price: Price is very crucial factor for Keurigs B100 system and K-cups/Keurig-cup. In the market survey it was seen that the coffee drinkers consuming two or more cups per weekday are willingly to pay higher than the drinkers consuming one cup. Drinkers consuming more than two cups of coffee are even more likely to pay more for their individual cup and it is also showed in the survey that the coffee consumption tends to increase due to the charisma of Keurigs B100 it can be predicted the single cup per weekday consumers will also join 2+ cups per weekday consumers. The survey showed that price 2+cup consumers willingly to pay for the brewer system is $ 130 (Anderson, 2005) The price elasticity of demand is tends to be higher because of the competition in the market. Most of the competitors brands are offer the brewer system lesser in price or in the same price vicinity. The Average Coffee pod machine cost range between $ 69-100 and per 8 oz Cup average is $0.20. Keurig entry level average cost is $ 99 and its 8 oz single cup costs $0.40 whereas Tassimo entry level cost is $ 129.99 and its specialty coffee cost is $1.12 per cappuccino (No wonder its the 3rd ranging brand) and even Nespresso entry level cost is $ 199.99 and its 8 oz cup cost $ 1.00(Jay,2006) and taking into consideration that the manufacturer are predicting price nothing less than $ 200 for new B100 the market seems to be less acceptable. If the K-cup prices could be adjusted so the consumer can be motivated to even buy once expensive system to get a cheaper per cup coffee rate then the product have the potential of penetrating the market. Promotion: The best promotional activity for K-Cups is to offer discounts when buying cups. For example, a discount could be offered through free shipping and handling when total cup purchases are over a certain dollar amount. Another possibility is to offer 25 cups at regular price and half off on the second 25 purchased. When we are talking about the Brewer as mentioned earlier that Internet survey suggested that demonstration is the best possible way so the key factors of interest to promote include convenience, quick brewing, ease of use, and minimal cleanup, all of which are sources of dissatisfaction with at-home users current systems. Young male are the most likely to buy the system. The key elements Keurig must implement into its promotion strategy for the B100 include being one of the first entrants into the at-home market, being portrayed as a single-cup pioneer, and enhancing its visibility in the up-scale market (Anderson, 2006). If in promotion it is been emphasized that Keurig is the one who thought about their At-home customers, with all the features elaborated enough and to make people aware that Keurig is offering various different flavor from five roasters then the customer will be compelled to buy. Place: Keurig already has its retail distribution network supported by KAD for OCS market but as Keurig now doesnt have the sources for retail outlets so there is need of applying a control distribution strategy. The strategy could be that the roaster would sell directly Keurig-cup to consumers and indirectly to the KADs. KAD will sell the cups directly to the OCS employees owning an at-home system as well such that KADs business is also not affected. Here the two cup approach seems to be going little overboard as the main concern is to maintain lower production and inventory cost and as the competition is already pricing lower than at which KAD is selling to OCS then any cost increment in K-cup price could decrease their sales. The Brewer system could be launch and sold via e-commerce enabled website which would be cheaper than retails outlets and is best suitable option. An e-commerce website could also be used to sell K-cup and the website can be promoted by putting special discou nt if consumers buy the product online. Advertising on the web is also cheaper than the billboard, banners and posters. Even the company can earn revenue by running the ads of the third party on our websites boarders. So e-commerce website is the best new distribution channel possible which can also provide the company with competitive advantage. Problems and Issue Suggestions: In the very Beginning the main issues and problem facing by the company for the launch of its new brewer B100 system were elaborated. Now after analysis the market, competitors products, distribution channels, pricing, economic and consumers trends following are the suggestion/recommendations; Among the production issues the primary one was because Keurig wanted to pursue direct marketing approach they thought of a two-cup theory will despite of solving the issue raised some serious one with GMCR (Green Mountain Coffee Roaster). In the light of the fact one-cup approach seems to be more effect, efficient and saves the manufacture unnecessary production and inventory cost. Now talking about the price according to the sales projection the breakeven prices are $199, $249 and $299 and as our B100 manufacturing cost is about $220 (trying to make it $ 200) so if the price is set at $ 249 then there is a possible option that in future if it is required the prices can be lowered. Based on the research it can be concluded that target market is agreeable to pay $0.55 per cup. At this price the KADs can maintain their price control in OCS market and Keurig and roaster can make higher profit per k-cup. Last but not the least the marketing efforts to give our product nice launch and high penetration in the market would be to place demonstration desk in the public places likes malls, airport, professional conventions etc. referral program could also be helpful in this regard. Using a website will provide an opportunity to the company to reach the consumers far off because KADs only deals within their districts so through website consumers from all across the country would be able to buy directly from the company and hence the sales would be elevated resulting in higher revenue generation and greater market share. Conclusion: Keurig new brewer B100 system is innovative idea for At-home consumers and it has the potential to sprang into a major market success, but GMCR has shown some serious and relevant concerns about two cups approach which even in our point of view is neither suitable now profitable to both the company and the roasters. Some new marketing ideas are also been recommended like demonstration stalls in public places and professional conventions. There was also a pricing issue according to our recommendation the price if set higher can be lowered so initial price should be $ 249 because the manufacturing cost incurring is around $ 220. Lastly it is thought to a very wise approach to launch B100 through direct marketing via internet and in this way consumers can directly buy from the company and company can take benefit from disintermediation and even earn some extra money by running ads of third party on its website. These recommendations are suggested by serious evaluation of fac ts and figure, trends and customer satisfaction criteria and must be considered gravely. REFERRENCES: 1) Anderson, Eric T. Feburary 28,2005. Keurig At Home: Managing a New Product Launch. Harvard Business School. 2) Ebenezer Heng, Feb 09,2009. What is so good about keurig B100? Retrieve from: 3) Adley Carson , May 11, 2010.Facts and Statistics about Coffee Consumption in the United States. Retrieve from: 4)Williams Paul, Nov 30, 2009. Keurig and Tassimo Single-Serve Coffee Makers A Throwdown Comparing the Top Two One Cup Brewers. Retrieve from: 5) Corporate Development Associates , May 2007. U.S. Market Overview Single-Serve Coffee Brewing In At-Home And Away-From-Home Coffee Markets Including Office Coffee Service Retrieve from: 6) David Meier, October 06, 2009. Giving GMCR the Thumbs Down Retrieve from: 7) Jay Brewer Single Serve November 27, 2006.Cost Per Single Serve Coffee Cup: Coffee Pods, Keurig K Cups, Tassimo T Discs, and Nespresso Coffee Capsules; Retrieve from 8) Keurig Incorporated. Retrieve from 9) McCarthy, Jerome E. and William D. Perreault Jr., 2005. Basic Marketing: A Global- Managerial Approach. 15th Ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. .

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

The five senses include sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Sight is the power of seeing objects and people. To see we use our eyes, our eye is a sphere with a diameter of about 2.5 cm or 1 inch. Our eyes include the eyebrows, eyelids, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus, and extrinsic eye muscles. The eyelids are thin, skin covered folds supported by the connective tissue sheets called tarsal plates and are separated by the palpebral fissure and meet at medial and lateral angles of the eye. The eyelid muscle cause blinking every 3-7 seconds and when the objects get in your eye, the flexibility is activated to protect the eye. The eyelashes also protect the eye. Anything that touches the eyelashes is blown away because it will cause your eye to blink. The conjunctiva in our eyes is a mucous membrane; it helps to line the eyelids. The function of the conjunctiva is to produce a lubricating mucus that prevents the eyes from drying out. A conjunctival sac is where contact lens lies and occurs when the eyes are closed and a slit like space occurs. An inflammation of the conjunctiva is called conjunctivitis and happens when the eye get red and really irritated. The lacrimal apparatus in our eyes drains the lacrimal secretions into the nasal cavity. The lacrimal fluid in the eye cleans and protects eye as it moistens. The fluid contains mucous, antibodies, and lysosome. The extrinsic eye muscles originate and insert into outer surface of the eyeball. The extrinsic eye muscles allow the eye to follow a moving object and provide wires to maintain shape of eyeball and hold it in orbit. When movements of these muscles are not the same, a person cannot focus on images correctly and see two images instead. The eye is called an eyeball and ha... ...cines. They may also help you cope with it by teaching you how to cooperate with noise around you. When doctors check your ears that may find OME, it’s thin and watery. If fluid is still present after six weeks the treatment may include having more observations and having to take tests. For us to tell what foods and scents delight us, we use our sense of smell. Your sense of smell helps us to determine what we like to have to eat and wear on different types of occasions. Your sense of smell can also be used for other things like smelling nature around you and smelling the different kind of foods there are around the world. Smell has a chemoreceptor that respond to chemicals in an aqueous solution. Smell receptors are excited by the airborne chemicals that dissolve in fluids coating nasal membranes. The organ of smell is a yellow patch of pseudostratified epithelium.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Laissez Faire Leadership Essay

Managers and supervisors who adopt the laissez-faire leadership style delegate responsibility for the accomplishment of work objectives and decision-making power to their employees. For example, a CEO of a large, new-car dealership may allow departments — such as NEW CAR SALES, used car sales and service — to operate on their own without his direct supervision. In this case, the CEO sets expectations for the departments’ operations, revenues and costs and provides the needed resources to accomplish particular business objectives. However, the department managers and employees determine how they will achieve the objectives. Implementation of Laissez-faire Leadership This laissez-faire system works best in groups of experienced, educated and highly skilled employees such as staff specialists or consultants who are accustomed to working in team environments. In our example of the car dealership, the NEW CAR SALES, used car sales and service department teams each possess specific skills and have received specialized training. So each team may work best when it establishes its own work schedules, works independently and makes decisions as a group, rather than at the direction of its CEO. In this example, laissez-faire leadership is especially effective because many department problems are well defined, a course of action is frequently predetermined, resources are readily available and limited CEO interaction is required for the team to work effectively. Advantages of Laissez-faire Leadership â€Å"Hands-off† leadership allows each team’s skilled members to brainstorm to identify appropriate solutions to problems and implement these decisions rapidly. As a result, the business avoids the cost involved in some meetings, such as the opportunity cost of not completing other tasks, missed sales calls and lost customer face time. Laissez-faire leadership works well in a creative environment where employees are free to implement innovative solutions. In our example, the sales team works with the finance department to identify creative financing options for potential buyers. The service department, meanwhile, employs up-to-date technology and mechanics skilled in contemporary engines.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prepare to report your recommendations Essay

Rosabeth Kanter (1979) argues that much of what is labeled â€Å"poor management† in organizations is simply individuals protecting their diminished power bases. Instead of criticizing these managers as incompetent, she proposes we bolster their feelings of personal power. If we solve the real problem of perceived lack of power, the undesirable symptoms of poor leadership often evaporate. This point of view is consistent with the principles discussed in this chapter. Assignment In this exercise, you are asked to give advice to individuals who feel powerless. For each of the situations below, form groups to explore opportunities for enhancing the power base of these three individuals. Prepare to report your recommendations. Situation 1: First-Line Supervisor Kate Shalene has been a first-line supervisor for six months. She was proud of her new promotion, but surprised to discover she felt increasingly powerless. Instead of being a stepping stone, this position was feeling more and more like a dead end. Managers above her were about her age and the hoped-for company expansion never materialized. She was not a central part of the organization, and she felt no one ever noticed her unless she messed up. She was expected to be supportive of her subordinates, but they never returned the favor. She was expected to absorb their flack without support from above. In general, she felt as though she was constantly â€Å"getting it from both ends. † Her job was extremely rule-bound, so she had little discretion in what she did or how she did it. She had only modest control over the pay or benefits of her subordinates, because their union agreement left very little flexibility. So she felt powerless to reward them or punish them in ways that really mattered. As a result, she found she was more and more apt to impose rules to get subordinates to do what she wanted. She became increasingly jealous of any successes and recognition achieved by her subordinates, so she tended to isolate them from people higher up in the organization and from complete information. She lost her penchant for informality and became increasingly rigid in following standard operating procedures. Predictably, her subordinates were becoming more resentful and less productive. Situation 2: Staff Professional Shawn Quinn came to the organization a year ago as a staff professional. He believed it might be a way for him to achieve considerable visibility with the top brass, but instead he felt isolated and forgotten. As a staff officer, he had almost no decision-making authority except in his narrow area of expertise. Most of what went on in the organization occurred without his involvement. Innovation and entrepreneurial activity were completely out of his realm. While some of the line officers were given opportunities for professional development, no one seemed to care about his becoming more experienced and capable. They saw him only as a specialist. Because his job didn’t require that he work with others, he had little opportunity to cultivate relationships that might lead to contacts with someone near the top. What hurt was that a consultant had been hired a few times to work on projects that were part of his area. If consultants could be brought in to do his work, he thought, he must not be very important to the organization. Shawn found himself being more and more turf conscious. He didn’t want others encroaching on his area of expertise. He tried to demonstrate his competence to others, but the more he did so, the more he became defined as a specialist, outside the mainstream of the organization. Overall, he felt he was losing ground in his career. Situation 3: Top Executive May Phelps has been a top executive for three years now. When she obtained the position, she felt that her ultimate career goal had been achieved. Now she was not so sure. Surprisingly, she discovered myriad constraints limiting her discretion and initiative. For example, the job had so many demands and details associated with it that she never had time to engage in any long-term planning. There always seemed to be one more crisis that demanded her attention. Unfortunately, most of the constraints were from sources she couldn’t control, such as government regulations, demands for greater accountability made by the board of directors and by stockholders, union relationships, equal opportunity statutes, and so on. She had built her reputation as a successful manager by being entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative, but none of those qualities seemed appropriate for the demands of her current work. Furthermore, because she was so mired in operations, she had become more and more out of touch with the information flow in the organization. Some things had to remain confidential with her, but her secrecy made others unwilling to share information with her. She had assistants who were supposed to be monitoring the organization and providing her with information, but she often felt they only told her what she wanted to hear. May had begun to hear rumors that certain special-interest groups were demanding her removal from the top job. She responded by becoming more dictatorial and defensive, with the result that the organization was becoming more control-oriented and conservative. She felt that she was on a downward spiral, but she couldn’t find a way to reverse the trend. â€Å"I always thought the saying ‘It’s lonely at the top’ was just a metaphor,† she mused.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

BEOWULF AS AN EPIC HERO Essays - Beowulf, Geats, Free Essays

BEOWULF AS AN EPIC HERO Essays - Beowulf, Geats, Free Essays BEOWULF AS AN EPIC HERO In reading the epic poem of Beowulf, the main character, Beowulf, has the characteristics of an epic hero by showing skill and courage, enduring fame, and royal responsibility . In the epic poem of Beowulf, Beowulf shows extraordinary and almost superficial skill and courage at the Slaying of Grendel, the Troll-Wife, and the Dragon. Due to the courageous slaying of the unwanted creatures Beowulf also becomes accustomed to the idea of enduring fame. Beowulf also must accept the concept of protecting his people as a royal responsibility. The epic poem begins with the slaying of Grendel. In the slaying of the abnormally large creature Beowulf shows portentous skills and courage. Beowulf's shows extraordinary skill and courage; which is an example of an epic hero. In the poem of Beowulf, Beowulf shows courage and skill by slaying Grendel without the use of a shield or sword. The reason why Beowulf decides to kill Grendel with out the use of any armor is because Beowulf feels that he should have no advantages over Grendel. By conquering Grendel without any armor Beowulf proves to the people that he truly is courageous and skillful. The following paragraph shows the reader just how courageous he really is "I count myself weaker in war or grapple of battle than Grendel himself. Therefore i scorn to slay him with sword, Deal deadly wound, as i well might do-nothing he knows of a noble fighting, Of thrusting and hewing and hacking of shield" (L 507-513) Beowulf also shows skill and courage when he defeats the Troll Wife. (The mother of Grendel) After the killing of many Thanes in the Mead Hall Beowulf is able to kill The Troll Wife with the use of the Hrunting. He defeats The Troll Wife with a thrust at the throat, which broke through the bone rings of The Troll Wife. Once again Grendel exemplifies the characteristics of an epic hero. Beowulf also shows skill and courage in the killing of the Dragon. In the slaying of the Dragon, Beowulf was willing to sacrifice his life so that the gruesome Dragon would be killed. Due to Beowulf's extraordinary skill and courage Beowulf shows royal responsibility. Beowulf shows another characteristic of an epic hero by carrying out his royal responsibilities. When the kingdom is given to him to govern Beowulf realizes that it is his duty to govern and protect his people, for it is his royal responsibility. Even though he has aged when the dragon comes about, he has to protect his people for it is now a duty that he must subject to. In the following passage from Beowulf, Beowulf explains why he must carry out his royal responsibility " I remember it all... for all such gifts that Hygelac gave me I repaid him in battle with shining sword, as chance was given. He granted me land, A gracious dwelling and goodly estate. I was always before him alone in wan. While the sword holds out that has served me well. With hand and hard blade, i must fight for the treasure" (L 567-572) Although Beowulf is fragile and old when the Dragon comes about Beowulf realizes that he has repay his people by killing the Dragon. Beowulf feels that he was given so much from his people and the killing of the dragon is his royal responsibility. The killing of Grendel, The Troll wife, and the Dragon, have all been Beowulf's royal responsibility. Beowulf also becomes accustomed to the idea of enduring fame by taking royal responsibility.. Beowulf demonstrates another characteristic of an epic hero through the concept of enduring fame. The characteristic of enduring fame comes about when Beowulf slays Grendel, The Troll, and the Dragon. After the slaying of the Grendel and The Troll Wife Beowulf is regarded as a hero by many Thanes. When Beowulf kills Grendel, Beowulf encounters Heorot where he awards Beowulf with gold, a banner embroided, a byrny and a helm. When having a feast in the honor of Beowulf, Wealtheow proclaims a speech to Beowulf: "Take, dear Beowulf, collar and corselat. Wear these treasures with right good will! Thrive and prosper and prove your might. You have earned the underling honor of heroes. May fate show favor while life shall last! I wish your hearts content" (L 775-780) Beowulf also becomes accustomed to the idea of enduring fame when the land is given to Beowulf to govern. He also receives recognition when he dies. At the end of this

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Book Covers Anew!

Book Covers Anew! Were all familiar with classic books (hence we call them classic). But along with the memorable stories they tell, these books have relatively well-known cover art. Were betting that if youre asked about  the cover of  Catch 22  or a Salinger novel, youll have something in mind. For that reason, we at thought it might be fun to take a look at some landmark  titles and imagine what different, updated covers could  look like. Below are five covers imagined (and painstakingly created) by yours truly! White Fang by Jack London Inspiration for this cover came from just about where you would expect: White Fang himself. The novel focuses on  the protagonist, a dog/wolf hybrid named White Fang. Throughout the story, our canine leader is taken from place to place and home to home, becoming increasingly embittered as he goes. Eventually it seems things might  work out for him, but youll have to read the novel to know for sure. Because White Fang is mostly wolf, he is on multiple occasions ostracized from his full-dog companions, and this leads to a sense of isolation and loneliness. Therefore, Ive drawn him alone in a seemingly cold forest. Robin Hood by Unknown* Ill  direct anyone unfamiliar with the story of  Robin Hood to an iconic scene in  Shrek where an animated Robin sings with his merry men in an effort to save the princess from the dreadful ogre and his talkative donkey- this is really a good depiction, if a littlesillierthan the original telling. After all, Monsieur Hood does  steal from the rich and gives to the needy, he takes a little for himself, but hes not greedy! Inspiration for  this piece came less from the story itself and more from the time period from which it emerged.  Thus I went with a  wood-like background and medieval folksy font. The figure of Robin Hood is black and white to show his character as a two-sided figure. Dracula  by Bram Stoker Dracula has been made, remade, re-imagined, made fun of, altered, re-told, etc. more times than can possibly be iterated. The original tale as written by Stoker was based on Prince Vlad III of Wallachia, who was  posthumously awarded the title of Vlad the Impaler (this man is fascinating and creep-tastic- I recommend looking him up). The novel is about, as you would imagine, a count/vampire that terrorizes Northern Europe. He begins with an English solicitor  and moves on to  the conversion and murder of countless victims. Its a great and creepy story that makes you want to snuggle with a blanket and tea- after youve locked the doors and windows, of course. To create this image, I looked into the dramatic  representations of  Dracula made popular  by the  cinematic visualization of the 1930s. I used cartoonish drama to represent both the Count and his victim, and bright colors to bring the bloodiness to life (ignore how gross that sounds). Beowulf by Unknown* As a story,  Beowulf is old- as in written in Olde English kind of old. A story that has been around that long is sure to be full of some interesting details- in this case an overabundance of nasty monsters, a monarchy, some battles with the aforementioned monsters, a lot of gold, and dragons to protect said gold (and battle with ol Beowulf himself). Though the original writing is rather difficult to get through (it usually takes a scholar to decipher the Old English), the tale itself is really fantastic and translations are  worth the effort if you like fantastical adventures. I drew inspiration from the character Beowulf and one of his adversaries- that dragon I mentioned earlier. Color was strategically chosen to highlight characteristics I saw as  important to the story, such as the brightness of the flame, which could indicate both the bright fierceness of Beowulfs character or the fierceness that comes with fire. The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe This short story by our master of goth, Mr. Poe, is one of his more famous tales. You may already know that this story features two primary characters, an elderly man with a ghostly eye and his more youthful roommate. The younger man, though friendly with his older companion, finds himself loathing  the other mans cloudy and sightless eye. Increasingly disturbed by the eyes perceived  eeriness, the younger man spies on the old man and  eventually  murders him. Later, upon inspection by police (and a fit of madness), the young man confesses to the  murder, all while imagining that he hears  the beating of the old mans heart. This cover art was inspired by all of the description above. The old mans eye is of course the most prominent feature, and its pupil is replaced by the panic-stricken heart. Because  the eye described in the story is lacking a pupil, I put the heart in its place. The black bars to the side are meant to represent the caretaker peeking through the door to watch the elderly man sleep. *We say Unknown because these texts are either so old or so commonly reproduced that the identity of the original author has, sadly, been lost.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Connell and OConnell Surname Origin and Meaning

Connell and O'Connell Surname Origin and Meaning In Ireland, the surname Connell or OConnell is an Anglicized form of the famous Gaelic clan name OConaill, meaning strong as a wolf, from the Gaelic siol cuin or siol con which translates as descendant of Connall or Con. The name possibly derives from cà º (con) meaning hound or wolf, and gal meaning valour. In Ulster the Connell surname may also have derived from MacConn, an Anglicized form of the name Mac Mhiolchon, meaning son of the hound-like one. Connell may also be a modern Scottish surname for Congal or Congual. Connell is one of 50 common Irish surnames of modern Ireland. Alternate Surname Spellings:  Connal, Connell, Connall, OConnell, Cannell, Conell, OConnall, Conall Interesting Facts About the Connell Surname Three distinct OConnell clans, located in the provinces of Connacht, Ulster, and Munster, are the originators of many of the Connell families in Clare, Galway, Kerry. Famous People With the Surname Connell and O'Connell Daniel OConnell - Irish politician and statesman, known as the Liberator.Evan S. Connell - American novelist.Richard Edward Connell -  American author and journalist, best known for his short story The Most Dangerous Game. Genealogy Resources for the Surname Connell O'Connell Check out these great resources for learning more about the Connell name: Explore background information and history on various early OConnell families in Ireland at the geography and history of the Connell surname through the British Surname Profiler. This free online database based on a University College London (UCL) project investigating the distribution of surnames in Great Britain, both current and historic.The Connell Family Genealogy Forum allows you to search this popular genealogy forum for the Connell surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Connell surname query.Find historical records, queries, and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Connell surname and its variations at hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Connell surname.Cousin Connect  allows you to read or post genealogy queries for the surname Connell, and sign up for free notification when new Connell queries are is full of free databases and genea logy links for the last name Connell. References Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Procurement & Contracts Coursework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Procurement & Contracts Coursework - Assignment Example 57). One of the key attributes of PPP is that it not only facilitates public-private partnerships during the construction phase, but it provides for post-construction services to be managed by a private agency. It has been argued that by taking this approach, the construction design is usually conducted contemplating subsequent services which ultimately lowers the cost of services. Moreover, the nature and duration of the PPP encourages a relationship of trust and facilitates the free flow of information (Hoppe & Schmitz, 2013). Likewise, Private Finance Initiative (PFI), project procurement, a form of PPP, is particularly important when the public budget is constrained by economic difficulties such as the current economic downturn. PFI is a method by which the public sector secures â€Å"value for money† and the private sector â€Å"service provider† assumes the risks associated with the project (Akintoye, Hardcastle, Beck, Chinyio, & Asenova, 2003, p. 461). Given that the global economic downturn has impacted the UK government’s ability to deliver and meet the demands for health services, a PFI-PPP procurement route is the more innovative and least costly option over traditional procurement routes. ... Traditional procurement routes will also be discussed. The Principles of Public-Private Partnership Procurement Definition PPP is defined by the OECD as: †¦an agreement between the government and one or more private partners (which may include the operators and the financers) according to which the private partners deliver the service in such a manner that the service delivery objectives of the government are aligned with the profit objectives of the private partners and where the effectiveness of the alignment depends on a sufficient transfer or risk to the private partners (OECD, 2008, p. 17). PPP therefore takes the involvement of the private sector to more proactive level and does not merely involve a limited contractual arrangement. PPP is best understood when compared to traditional procurement routes. PPP vs Traditional Procurement Routes Instinctively, the concept of PPP invokes ambivalence over the idea of the private sector becoming involved in the construction and man agement of public infrastructure. However, as Grimsey and Mervyn (2007) point out: †¦the old command and control structures of the public sector are breaking down and are being replaced by interrelationships between government and private sector entities (p. 171). Although traditional procurement routes use the private sector, PPPs can be distinguished in a significant way. Traditional procurement routes usually involve private entities constructing roads, hospitals, schools, public buildings and schools and so on. Private companies also manage and maintain the infrastructure. However, with PPPs, rather than use individual agreements, the agreements are combined in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Kindly see the attachment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Kindly see the attachment - Research Paper Example However, these fractions of art are not restricted from critique based on academic approaches. Therefore, this paper will identify three artists from high Renaissances, compare and contrast two works from each of them. The term Renaissance was derived from French, whereby it was a word referring to "rebirth" (Burke, 1). This period marked a transition for the classical styles, which had been obtained from the Greek and Roman artist. In high Renaissances, Raphael Raffaello Sanzio, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Leonardo da Vinci were considered geniuses due their astounding talent; in fact, there were other hundreds of artists during this period, since "Renaissance" reigned in entire Europe (Burke, 2). On the other hand, "Renaissance" was a process that existed for a long period; in fact, it occurred over centuries. However, numerous artists during the high Renaissance created their masterpieces under the influence of their religion, and their value was based on techniques and accuracy ( Burke, 2). Raphael Raffaello Sanzio Works of Art Artist name: Raphael Raffaello Sanzio Title: The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple Year: 1511 Medium: Handmade Oil Painting Kren Emil and Marx Daniel. â€Å"Raphael Raffaello Sanzio: The Expulsion of Heliodorus from the Temple† Web Gallery of Art. 1996. Web. 11 April 2013. ... The composition of this painting is enhanced through breaking of symmetry and colorful effects depicted through the Stanza della Segnatura (Kren and Marx, 1). Furthermore, the focal point of this scene is shifted at the right side of the painting, where Heliodorus is lying beside the stolen treasures. Pope Julius is dominating the left side of this painting as a bystander, who reappears subsequently in the scene (Kren and Marx, 1). Nevertheless, in this painting there is an illumination of caused by a reflection of glow in the vault at the center, and a section of blue sky appearing via coffered ceiling. Artist name: Raphael Raffaello Sanzio Title: The Vision of Ezekiel Year: 1518 Medium: Oil on panel Kren Emil and Marx Daniel. â€Å"Raphael Raffaello Sanzio: The Vision of Ezekiel† Web Gallery of Art. 1996. Web. 11 April 2013. Ideas in this painting were derived from the Bible, whereby Raphael took this chance to describe four Cherubim, which was inspired by iconography from B abylon (Kren and Marx, 1). Therefore, this painting offers a portrayal of conventional divinity incorporated with conventional symbols of Evangelists. There is a turbulent sky visible in the painting; some trees are dominating low wide background, while the divine group hovering in the midst of the clouds, while they are encircled by bright illumination. Some of Evangelists symbols in this painting include the angle, eagle, lion, ox and cherubs (Kren and Marx, 1). Ezekiel has been insignificantly depicted through this painting at the background; in fact, he is hardly noticeable due domination of balanced composition of colors

Civil and criminal law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Civil and criminal law - Essay Example To gain a better insight, these questions can be looked at from two angles as proposed by Ronald Standler: Punishment and Burden of Proof (Standler, 1998). Punishment: In criminal law, a guilty defendant is punished in one of the two ways: either incarceration in a jail or prison or fine paid to the government; or, in exceptional cases: execution of the defendant: the death penalty. On the other hand, a defendant in civil litigation is never incarcerated nor executed. Most often, a losing defendant in civil litigation only reimburses the plaintiff for losses caused by the defendant's behavior. Burden of Proof: With certain exceptions, in most cases, in criminal litigation, the burden of proof is always on the state. The case starts with the defendant assumed to be innocent and as the case proceeds, the state must prove that the defendant is guilty. In contrast, in civil litigation, the burden of proof is initially on the plaintiff. It should be noted that, there may be several situations in which the burden shifts to the defendant. With the above discussion in mind, it can be noticed that, in a criminal law case the litigation is filed by the government called the prosecution against the defendant whereas in a civil law case a private party files a lawsuit

Thursday, October 17, 2019

One of the key issues any nation faces is how to structure its trade Essay

One of the key issues any nation faces is how to structure its trade relations with other nations. A. How and why did England st - Essay Example During mercantile period, increase in exports over imports was considered the means to enhance national wealth in British colonies. Lahaye further points out that, The Navigation Act passed in 1660 limited the trade to be conducted by English ships and English seamen; and this encouraged English ships monopoly over trade within British Empire and highly limited the trade of foreign vessels within English ports. Further revisions of act improved the trade process in England. The revisions of act ensured that the trade shipped from its point of production to England or colonial port prior to its shipping to its foreign destination. At the same time, it also demanded the foreign goods set for colonies to be stopped in England prior to the distribution. This made England a well known centre for colonial trade. It encouraged the flow of goods through the country and thereby allowed the taxes to be levied. Further phases of Navigation Act grouped products as those to be shipped to ports wi thin British Empire and as those to be shipped to foreign countries. It also imposed regulations on the manufacture and trade of colonial products. British government supported products like iron, lumber, and other raw materials needed within Empire. At the same time, the colonial products that competed with products produced at home were discouraged. As a matter of fact, the mercantile system in Britain allowed for colonial monopoly over certain markets such as of tobacco and also provided the way for development of colonial shipbuilding. Free trade, as the name implies allows the free movement of goods, capital, and labor between nations. It provides specialization in manufacturing and export of products in a country overcoming all possible barriers of trade process. Free trade enables smooth conduction of trade between countries ‘without the influence or intervention of government through quotas or duties’ (Free trade explained). The scale of production depends on th e size of the market; if the market of nation is small, it may not encourage the producers to produce variety of products. Free trade combines individual markets with a larger world market proving beneficial to small sized markets. The expansion of the market size improves competition and enables the individual firms to enhance their trade. Free trade provides better economic environment for individual markets with the access to advanced technologies and better resource allocation. The feasibility of the technology helps domestic firms to connect with other individual firms abroad thereby enhancing the productivity of land and labor. This will also help industries in narrowing the range of goods and services. It ensures decrease in the costs of goods while maintaining the efficiency of utilized resources. Some of the factors that make free trade highly preferable for successful trade include the accessibility of enhanced production factors and free access to global markets. The unhi ndered access to global markets provides firms with the essential information on trends prevailing in the global market. As free trade improves competition, companies try to satisfy the customers with innovative products. Thus free trade amplifies innovative creations and improves productivity. Moreover free trade is advantageous in eliminating oligopolies and monopolies (free trade explained). However, free trade cannot be always regarded as the best policy due to

ArticleAbstract Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

ArticleAbstract Assignments - Essay Example icle, based on its two research questions, concludes that league matches are the products of the professional leagues and that the products are sold to four parties, â€Å"the fans, television and other media,† communities that either support or offer services to league teams and â€Å"corporations† (Mason 410). It makes an important contribution by creating awareness of the roles of different stakeholders in the sports market. By identifying the fans, for example, through their attendance or media charges, as primary buyers of the sports’ product and not the media product, the article motivates them and promotes their commitment to supporting the economic activity at both social and economic levels. It therefore succeeds in promoting the economic aspect of the sports by identifying benefits to all the involved consumers (Mason 403-414). The article can however be criticized for relying on outdated resources. Using resources that are more than two decades old can mislead because of the dynamic nature of sports and markets. The researcher also failed to outline his

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Movie review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Movie Review Example The video further explains that the three groups; the Jews, Muslims and the Christians revere Jerusalem as a very holy city and they seek to protect this land and in doing this, they are likely to be at loggerheads with each other. This explains the strife in the region as the Jews and the other groups tussle for a claim to the possession of the city of Jerusalem (Israelis and Palestinians). The video explains that Judaism is the religious culture of the Jews as they have been practicing this religion in the city of Jerusalem for several centuries now and their religious affiliation with the city could be explained by their sacred temple in Jerusalem and this makes the city highly significant to the Jews. The Jews claim that Jerusalem has always been the central city of Israel, hence they lay their claim to the ownership of the city as they believe that it is their sovereign city. The Christians on their own part claim that the city of Jerusalem is where the the Temple Mount (Hara mesh=Sharif) is a very important sanctuary to the religion of Islam as they believe that it was from a rock on the site of Temple Mount that Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven and this explains the reason the Muslims believe that Jerusalem is sacred to them as they go there year after year not only to honor the prophet, but also to pray to Allah (God) as they are of the opinion that their prayers would easily get to heaven from the spot the holy prophet ascended to heaven, as some Muslims claim that it is the gateway to heaven. (b) It would be really difficult to make a decision on whether Jerusalem should be divided between the Israelis and Palestinians. The Palestinians have a bulk of their population in the city of Jerusalem, while the Israelis equally have a large amount of their citizens in their city. The Israelis live in most parts of West Jerusalem, while the Palestinians live in most

ArticleAbstract Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

ArticleAbstract Assignments - Essay Example icle, based on its two research questions, concludes that league matches are the products of the professional leagues and that the products are sold to four parties, â€Å"the fans, television and other media,† communities that either support or offer services to league teams and â€Å"corporations† (Mason 410). It makes an important contribution by creating awareness of the roles of different stakeholders in the sports market. By identifying the fans, for example, through their attendance or media charges, as primary buyers of the sports’ product and not the media product, the article motivates them and promotes their commitment to supporting the economic activity at both social and economic levels. It therefore succeeds in promoting the economic aspect of the sports by identifying benefits to all the involved consumers (Mason 403-414). The article can however be criticized for relying on outdated resources. Using resources that are more than two decades old can mislead because of the dynamic nature of sports and markets. The researcher also failed to outline his

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The American Revolution Essay Example for Free

The American Revolution Essay The American Revolution was a momentous event that changed the face of the whole world. Though the Revolutionary War lasted only a few short years, the American Revolution was a process that started long before the first shots of war were fired. The rebellion was permeated with the legacy of colonial political ideals, aggravated by parliamentary taxation, escalated by the restriction of American civil liberties and ignited by British military measures. England had a hard time controlling its American colonies from the very beginning, leaving them to develop relatively on their own for several generations. The North American continent is close to 3,000 miles away from England and the trip from England to American by boat in the 1600s took six to eight weeks if not longer. The trip was not easy and many died along the way, but when immigrants did reach the New World they arrived a bit changed by their harrowing journey. These new immigrants were met with a clean, new, virgin land, virtually unchanged for thousands of years. It was as if they had landed on a whole separate planet. These immigrants, then, established new societies based on whatever personal religious or political values they had, far from the shadow of England. Over 150 years later these values still lived strongly in the descendants of these original settlers. The rights of the individual were dominant in every aspect of American life in 1763. From the relative religious freedom, to the independence of the press, to the coveted public town meeting, Americans, unlike many Europeans at the time, enjoyed the right to choose how they lived their lives. Theoretically, under the concept of mercantilism, which affirmed that the sole purpose of a colony was to provide for its mother country, Americans were restricted economically. But, until 1763, with Englands practice of salutary neglect, Americans enjoyed economic freedom and were able to trade covertly with whomever they wished. In 1763, England won the French/Indian War at a heavy financial. The high cost of the war forced England to take a firmer hold on its North American colonies. Since the French/Indian war was fought on American soil for the protection of the American people, the English government thought it elementary that the colonists should help pay off some of the debt incurred by the war. But the Americans were outraged.  When the Stamp Act of 1765 was passed colonists reacted with widespread anger and violence. Mobs attacked the homes of government officials, looting their property and giving the poor stamp collectors a good coat of tar and feathers. With the Townshend Acts of 1767, the colonists unified and began widespread boycotts of British goods, rallying around the motto No taxation without representation. For the English the final straw came in 1773 when a group of young colonists, dressed as Indians, boarded three vessels docked in Boston Harbor and dumped hundreds of cases of British East India Company tea into the ocean. England could not ignore such a blatant slap in the face, and in 1774 passed the Coercive Acts, closing off Boston Harbor and holding the colonists responsible for the cost of the tea. Many Americans saw these acts as direct infringements on their civil liberties and the conflict escalated to new heights. When England tried to dissolve several state legislatures, colonial leaders assembled in secret, organizing such military groups as the Sons and Daughters of Liberty and the Minutemen. As tempers ran high, the British started to tighten their military control over the major cities of America. In April 1775, a regiment of British redcoats on their way to seize rebel gunpowder clashed with a group of colonial minutemen at Concord, Massachusetts. This encounter was the beginning of the Revolutionary War and appropriately called by contemporaries the shot heard round the world. The Revolutionary War, then, was a conflict that had roots deeply intertwined in a generations old colonial sense of autonomy and personal liberty. This well developed sense of individual freedom, combined with the English policy of taxation without representation, the eventual restriction of colonial civil liberties, and British military actions, led to what is now known as the American Revolution.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Application of Regression Analysis

Application of Regression Analysis Chapter-3 Methodology In the application of regression analysis, often the data set consist of unusual observations which are either outliers (noise) or influential observations. These observations may have large residuals and affect the parameters of the regression co-efficient and the whole regression analysis and become the source of misleading results and interpretations. Therefore it is very important to consider these suspected observations very carefully and made a decision that either these observations should be included or removed from the analysis. In regression analysis, the basic step is to determine whether one or more observations can influence the results and interpretations of the analysis. If the regression analysis have one independent variable, then it is easy to detect observations in dependent and independent variables by using scatter plot, box plot and residual plot etc. But graphical method to identify outlier and/or influential observation is a subjective approach. It is also well known that in the presence of multiple outliers there can be a masking or swamping effect. Masking (false negative) occurs when an outlying subset remains undetected due the presence of another, usually adjacent subset. Swamping (false positive) occurs when usual observation is incorrectly identified as outlier in the presence of another usually remote subset of observations. In the present study, some well known diagnostics are compared to identify multiple influential observations. For this purpose, first, robust regression methods are used to identify influential observation in Poisson regression, then to conform that the observations identified by robust regression method are genuine influential observations, some diagnostic measures based on single case deletion approach like Pearson chi-square, deviance residual, hat matrix, likelihood residual test, cook’s distance, difference of fits, squared difference in beta are considered but in the presence of masking and swamping diagnostics based on single case deletion fail to identify outlier and influential observations. Therefore to remove or minimize the masking and swamping phenomena some group deletion approaches; generalized standardized Pearson residual, generalized difference of fits, generalized squared difference in beta are taken.   Ã‚   3.2 Diagnostic measures based on single case deletion This section presents the detail of single case deleted measures which are used to identify multiple influential observations in Poisson regression model. These measures are change in Pearson chi-square, change in deviance, hat matrix, likelihood residual test, cook’s distance, difference of fits (DFFITS),squared difference in beta(SDBETA). Pearson chi-square To show the amount of change in Poisson regression estimates that would occurred if the kth observation is deleted, Pearson χ2 statistic is proposed to detect the outlier. Such diagnostic statistics are one that examine the effected of deleting single case on the overall summary measures of fit. Let denotes the Pearson χ2 and denotes the statistic after the case k is deleted. Using one-step linear approximations given by Pregibon (1981). The decrease in the value of statistics due to deletion of the kth case is Δ = Ë- , k=1,2,3,†¦..,n 3.1 is defined as: 3.2 = And for the kth deleted case is: = 3.3 Deviance residual The one-step linear approximation for change in deviance when the kth case is deleted is: ΔD = D Ë- D(-k) 3.4 Because the deviance is used to measure the goodness of fit of a model, a substantial decrease in the deviance after the deletion of the kth observation is indicate that is observation is a misfit. The deviance of Poisson regression with kth observation is: D=2 3.5 Where = exp ( D(-k)= 2 3.6 A larger value of ΔD(-k) indicates that the kth value is an outlier. Hat matrix: The Hat matrix is used in residual diagnostics to measure the influence of each observation. The hat values, hii, are the diagonal entries of the Hat matrix which is calculated using H=V1/2X(XTVX)-1XTV1/2 3.7 Where V=diag[var(yi)(ii)]-1 var(yi)=E(yi)= In Poisson regression model =i) = (,where g function is usually called the link function and With the log link in Poisson regression i= = V=diag( 3.8 (XTVX)-1 is an estimated covariance matrix of and hii is the ith diagonal element of Hat matrix H. The properties of the diagonal element of hat matrix i.e leverage values are 0 and Where k indicates the parameter of the regression model with intercept term. An observation is said to be influential if ckn. where c is a suitably constant 2 and 3 or more. Using twice the mean thumb rule suggested by Hoaglin and Welsch (1978), an observation with 2kn considered as influential. Likelihood residual test For the detection of outliers, Williams (1987) introduced the likelihood residual. The squared likelihood residual is a weighted average of the squared standardized deviance and Pearson residual is defined as: 3.9 and it is approximately equals to likelihood ratio test for testing whether an observation is an outlier and it also called approximate studentized residual, is standardized Pearson residual is defined as: = 3.10 is standardized deviance residual is defined as: = 3.11 = sign( Where is called the deviance residual and it is another popular residual because the sum of square of these residual is a deviance statistic. Because the average value, KN, of hi is small is much closer to than to ,and therefore also approximately normally distributed. An observation is considered to be influential if |t(1, n Difference of fits test (DFFITS) Difference of fits test for Poisson regression is defined as: (DFFITS)i= , i=1,2,3,†¦..,n 3.12 Where and are respectively the ith fitted response and an estimated standard error with the ith observation is deleted. DFFITS can be expressed in terms of standardized Pearson residuals and leverage values as: (DFFITS)i= 3.13 = = An observation is said to be influential if the value of DFFITS 2. Cook’s Distance: Cook (1977) suggests the statistics which measures the change in parameter estimates caused by deleting each observation, and defined as: CDi= 3.14 Where is estimated parameter of without ith observation. There is also a relationship between difference of fits test and Cook’s distance which can be expressed as: CDi= 3.15 Using approximation suggested by Pregibon’s C.D can be expressed as: () 3.16 Observation with CD value greater than 1 is treated as an influential. Squared Difference in Beta (SDFBETA) The measure is originated from the idea of Cook’s distance (1977) based on single case deletion diagnostic and brings a modification in DFBETA (Belsley et al., 1980), and it is defined as (SDFBETA)i = 3.17 After some necessary calculation SDFBETA can be relate with DFFITS as: (SDFBETA)i = 3.18 The ith observation is influential if (SDFBETA)i Diagnostic measures based on group deletion approach This section includes the detail of group deleted measures which are used to identify the multiple influential observations in Poisson regression model. Multiple influential observations can misfit the data and can create the masking or swamping effect. Diagnostics based on group deletion are effective for identification of multiple influential observations and are free from masking and swamping effect in the data. These measures are generalized standardized Pearson residual (GSPR), generalized difference of fits (GDFFITS) and generalized squared difference in Beta(GSDFBETA). 3.3.1 Generalized standardized Pearson residual (GSPR) Imon and Hadi (2008) introduced GSPR to identify multiple outliers and it is defined as: i 3.19 = i 3.20 Where are respectively the diagonal elements of V and H (hat matrix) of remaining group. Observations corresponding to the cases |GSPR| > 3 are considered as outliers. 3.3.2 Generalized difference of fits (GDFFITS) GDFFITS statistic can be expressed in terms of GSPR (Generalized standardized Pearson residual) and GWs (generalized weights). GWs is denoted by and defined as: for i 3.21 = for i 3.22 A value having is larger than, Median (MAD ( is considered to be influential i.e > Median (MAD ( Finally GDFFITS is defined as (GDFFITS)i= 3.23 We consider the observation as influential if GDFFITSi 3 3.3.3 Generalized squared difference in Beta (GSDFBETA) In order to identify the multiple outliers in dataset and to overcome the masking and swamping effect GSDFBETA is defined as: GSDFBETAi = for i 3.24 = for i 3.25 Now the generalized GSDFBETA can be re-expressed in terms of GSPR and GWs: GSDFBETAi = for i 3.26 = for i 3.27 A suggested cut-off value for the detection of influential observation is GSDFBETA

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Revelations and Parker?s Back Essay -- essays research papers fc

Revelations and Parker’s Back   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story â€Å"Revelations† by Flannery O’Connor portrays the character of Ms. Turpin as a very hypocritical Christian. It’s absurd how obvious she is in her view of society; it could not be less unchristian like. Her opinions towards other people and their intelligence are Ms. Turpin’s greatest flaw. â€Å"Parker’s Back† also written by Flannery O’Connor is just the opposite of Revelations, Parker spends his entire life trying to fill a void that has grown so deep inside him it becomes unbearable. His continual dislike and downgrading of Christianity plays into his problems even more. The stories have very unique approaches, both of which prove to be very intriguing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The character of Ms. Turpin shows from the very start that she is going to encounter many problems as the story progresses. Her dislike for Negroes or as she referred to them as â€Å"niggers† and her constant distinction of social class ranking showed that she was not the Christian she claimed to be. When she talks about cotton she says â€Å"you can’t get the white folks to pick it and now you can’t get the niggers-because they got to be right up there with the white folk.â€Å" When she looked at herself she saw a very good Christian. She always congratulated herself on how she always helped everyone and was always there to take care of her slaves. Nevertheless she had hidden meaning for all of these; she only helped the slaves so that she co...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Whites Voss :: Religion Australia Suffering Essays

White's Voss White's sense of fate is one in which everyone is doomed to suffer and greatness is measured by the individual's capacity to do so (Brady 1978). This is articulated by Clark who believes that in the harshness of the Australian setting the "only glory men know on earth is how they respond to defeat and failure" (quoted by Bliss 3). The quest in Voss cannot be read as one that looks forward in expectation of discernible results. The usual criteria involved in determining failure must be discarded here. The failures must be seen as inherent, inextricable components of the ongoing process of becoming rather than being, articulated in Voss as the mystery of life "not solved by success, which is an end in itself, but in failure, in perpetual struggle, in becoming" (269). White has partly used the metaphor of a geographical exploration because the desert explorer must inevitably suffer physically and this allows insight into suffering on the spiritual realm. This links Voss to the wildernes s experiences of Moses, Jesus, St Antony and many other desert ascetics. White shows that suffering through losing self is only the first step of a process of finding a truer sense of self, in acquiring an understanding of the human condition and, ultimately, in coming closer to discovering the Divine. The notion of failure facilitating humility will be used in this essay to establish whether the characters in Voss are fortunate in their failures and to consider how White has subscribed to this "fortunate failure" in the actual process of writing. Different aspects of failure will be examined, but ultimately they are all part of the necessary failure entailed in the religious quest. Bliss explains this failure as being vital in the recognition that the "Infinite, by definition, must be infinitely sought" (205). Her superficial paradox is similar to many of the deliberately paradoxical elements of White's work which all form part of the Christian paradox of recovering a truer sense of self through self-sacrifice. It is not unreasonable to see this as the controlling idea behind the "fortunate failures" as White's self-stated intention was to write a novel concerning the "relationship between the blundering human being and God"(White quoted in van den Driesen 77). The interest lies i n how this blundering is explored as a necessary part of the Divine quest. Le Mesurier's failure could be attributed to his taking his own life, but this is too literal a view to take in a novel where characters are invested with expanding consciousness rather than diminished awareness.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Philosophy of Classroom Management Essay

My philosophy on classroom management begins with learning and being familiar with the various rolls that a teacher plays on an everyday basis. I didn’t know until taking this course that a teacher assumes so many rolls during the day. He or she takes on rolls such as: a parent, a social worker, an advisor, a counselor, and a judge. During my classroom observations and readings, I have learned that I will run into different types of students. There will be the bully, leader, follower, instigator, and the escape goat who in other words is the victim. In order to find out who and what is what, the students would have to be in groups to pin point who is playing what roll. There will also be times when I will run into parents of my students. Since reading our text my eyes have really been open on how and what to say to a parent. The first thing I would say as a teacher when I see something that is unusual about a student, I would tell the parent that I concurred with his or her child. Then I would proceed to tell the facts that I gathered to let him or her know that I feel something negative has happened. I feel that as the teacher I should know what is going on in every part of my classroom at all times. To help with my classroom surveillance, I will use witnesses momentum, smoothness, group alerting, accountability, overlapping and satiation. All of these will contribute to my teaching profession. According to Dreikur and the Canters, there are five types of teachers (Charles, 2008). Dreikur states that I could be an autocratic, democratic, or a permissive teacher. The autocratic teacher makes his or her own decisions whereas the democratic teacher is an opinionated educator. Finally, there is the permissive teacher who is the unpredictable teacher. The Canters defined three types of teachers. The hostitle teacher views the students as adversaries. The non-assertive teacher takes a passing approach to students, and last but not least the assertive teacher clearly, confidently, and consistently, expresses class expeditions to students. After reading C.M. Charles book â€Å"Building Classroom Discipline†, I learned what a teacher should say and do to and for his or her students. According to Dreikur, teachers should always speak in positive terms. Teachers should encourage students to strive for improvement, not perfection. Emphasis should be placed on students’ strengths while minimizing their weaknesses and teachers should help students learn from mistakes. Independence should be greatly encouraged along with the assumption of responsibility. I would set to accomplish the latter task by letting my students know that I have faith in them and I would show pride in their work. I would be very optimistic and enthusiastic and use encouraging remarks such as â€Å"You have improved,† and â€Å"Can I help you† (Charles, 2008). There are five types of behaviors that I know will occur in my class. The first behavior is aggression. Aggression is physical and verbal attack on the teacher, students or property. Secondly is immorality which are acts contrary to accepted morality such as cheating, lying, and stealing. Defiance of authority is the third behavior that will possibly occur in my classroom. Defiance of authority is when students refuse to do what is requested. Finally, class disruption is talking loudly, walking about the room, clowning, tossing things, and goofing off. Goofing off can be attributed to fooling around, out of seat, not doing assigned tasks and daydreaming. Fredric Jones’ analysis of the numerous classroom observations uncovered five clusters of teacher skills that keep students productively at work and thus preventing misbehavior. Those clusters deal with classroom structure to discourage behavior; getting through body language; using say, see, and do teaching to maximize students’ attention and involvement; responsibility training through incentive system, and providing efficient help to individual students (Charles, 2008). All the theorists in C.M. Charles book, â€Å"Building Classroom Discipline† will give me professional help as a perspective teacher. I believe his book goes from beginning to end and from procedures to misbehavior, to body language to what types of students will most likely enter my class. What I have learned from his book and what I am currently learning from Mrs. Palmer is there is no way I will not get it right the first time.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Benefits of intership

The benefit of Inter-agency partnerships Is working refers to when two or more agencies that deal the same Issues for example health Issues where Hospital can work with the GAP. Some agencies could have some information about a person that another doesn't or when a person is at an age where they can be cared for better by one agency, this relationship allows them to be transferred.Be treated by different services can benefit the service users because the service users can be sure that he as been checked by two deferent person and can be treated quickly. This could be a benefit for the service providers as well because the second partnership can get all information about the person without asking the person, they can get all Information about the person from the first partnership. Inter-agency partnerships for Elizabeth This report is based on Inter-agency working together to provide Elizabeth support to deal with her Alchemist's disease.The reason why Inter-agency are working is to h elp Elizabeth and help her family with Alchemist's and to provide support for both of hem. Agencies working together Health Visitor Health visitor for older people is to promote the health and independence of older people living at home with difficulties. Elizabeth would need the support off Health visitor because of her family that doesn't understand her and that they are no longer interested In her well-being. The main role of health visitor Is to provide a supportive health assessment and referral service for old people like Elizabeth.They also work with GAP and health care services. The Health Visiting Service for Older People aims o: Support old people health and well being Help prevent ill health and its consequences Support patients living with long term conditions to facilitate Independence Provide up-to-date Information about help and services available so that patients, their families and careers can make Informed decisions Access health needs and refer to additional servi ces if required Provide careers with advice about the support that is available to them General practice (G.P) G. P are here to work for primary care and are part of a clinical commissioning group which have responsibilities for helping with healthcare from secondary healthcare providers, such as hospital and community and also Alchemist's society. Elizabeth would need the support of a General practice working with the Health visitor. Alchemist's society This is an organization that will work and support people with diseases such Dementia. They are all volunteers who are helping old people with Alchemist's.Elizabeth would need their support and help for her disease. This society will also work with the both General practice and Health visitor to malting Elizabeth health Elizabeth with every aspect and understanding diagnosis and assessment to dealing with the financial challenges that she might be encounter as she no longer lives with her family. Benefits The benefits of inter-agenc y partnerships working together for Elizabeth are that Alchemist's society, the G. P and the health visitor are all working for her.This will benefits her and the all three social and care system because they can get information about Elizabeth without her help. This will also benefit Elizabeth because she can get all the support by three different agencies and get treated quickly. Elizabeth will get all the support and help from different health service this will benefit her. Factor that preventing The main factors that prevent inter-agency collaboration relate to Elizabeth Alchemist's might be communication within and between agencies, professional values and power relationships.Partner agencies in collaborative situations need to be treated as equals. Communication can be one of the factors that could prevent agencies working together, lack of communication, example if the health visitor doesn't give information and doesn't communicate with the two other agencies that loud cause issues for Elizabeth, issues like the agencies can't get enough information and Elizabeth can't get in a good condition situation because agencies will delay the treatment because of one agency.Agencies might have difficulties in sharing information; particularly confidential information as well as cultural and professional differences between agencies can prevent them working together. Other factors that can prevent agencies working together are that if one agency gives only limited information about Elizabeth that can prevent agencies working together as hey won't get enough information about Elizabeth. Another reason which can prevent agencies from working together might be the funding which can cause problems, like lack of money and couldn't help Elizabeth with her needs.If one of the agencies can't co-operate with other agencies because of any reason and this can prevent them working together example if the General practice doesn't feel well and can't come work with the other a gencies. How to overcome and consider them Communication needs to be developed at all levels of operation both within each agency working with Elizabeth. Agencies need to find ways to improve face to face and written communication.Procedures and practices should be integrated between agencies and Elizabeth. Discuss about the health improvement of Elizabeth. Be equal and don't give preferences to one agency than the other. Conclusion Elizabeth had the help of the 3 agencies that worked together to support and help her with Alchemist's. She had all the benefits of the agencies with her and agencies had benefits between because they have worked together for Elizabeth. They have overcome of what had prevented them working together.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Fire in Lord of the Flies

In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding. one of the main elements of the plot is a fire created by the boys. While the fire's foremost purpose Is for rescue, It also represents other underlying symbolistic themes. Order is one ot the tlrst things established once the fire is built. The fire's initial purpose, to get the kids rescued, represents hope. Also, the very being of the fire represents the Idea of life. From the very beginning of the novel, Ralph is determined to keep a signal fire going, in case d ship passes near to the Island.That's all well and good, until the first signal ire the boys light begins burning out of control, and at least one boy is missing, As Piggy tells Jack, â€Å"You got your small fire all right† (2. 210). The fire thus becomes a symbol, paradoxically, of both hope of rescue and of destrucuon. Ironically, it Is because of a fire that Jack lights at the end of the novel†in his attempt to hunt and kill Ralph†that the boys are rescued. And It makes sense.If the boys' world is Justa symbol for the real world, then they're not being rescued at all: they're just going on to a larger scale of violence†to grow up into soldiers getting sent off to war. Hence, rescue equals destruction. The Signal Fire Is a representation of commonsense and rescue from immorality. When the signal tire can no longer be lit, because Jack stole Piggy's specs that light it, its beacon of hope and knowledge is no longer present to guide Ralph who must then be constantly reminded by Piggy about what Is right.The Fire s Relationship Towards Civilization. In Lord of the Flies, the fire is a main symbol through out the story. It represents amount of civilized strength left within the boys. When the fire burns stronger, it means that they are getting closer to society and when the fire Is not burning or Is eak, they too are weakening. The signal fire becomes an indicator of the boys connection to civilization. Throughout the book, t he fire is a key symbol that means not only rescue, but hope and civilization.Even the forest fire In the end of the story, that was meant to destroy, ended up being the boy s key to rescue. In the beginning of this book, one of the most Important parts is when Jack let the fire go outto go hunting. Although hunting Is not necessarily barbaric or a loss of clvlllzatlon, It Is still what leads up to the loss of civili7atiom When Ralph realizes the power of the fire nd admits that if everyone does not do their duty and cooperate in keeping the fire going, all hopes In contacting clvlllzatlon outside are shattered.The tire Is their only chance of survival and if it goes out, their destined to stay on the island forever As long as the fire Is well maintained, the boys show a desire to return to their civilization, but when the tire burns low or goes out, the boys lose sight ot their wish to be rescued, because they have accepted their barbaric lives on the island. Fire in Lord of the Fl ies By SgtBlackScorp In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, one of the main elements of the plot s a fire created by the boys. While the fire's foremost purpose is for rescue, it also represents other underlying symbolistic themes.Order is one of the first things represents hope. Also, the very being of the fire represents the idea of life. in case a ship passes near to the island. That's all well and good, until the first signal fire the boys light begins burning out of control, and at least one boy is missing. As symbol, paradoxically, of both hope of rescue and of destruction. Ironically, it is because of a fire that Jack lights at the end of the novel†in his attempt o hunt and kill Ralph†that the boys are rescued. And it makes sense.If the boys' world is Just a symbol for the real world, then they're not being rescued at all; they're The Signal Fire is a representation of commonsense and rescue from immorality. When the signal fire can no longer be lit, b ecause Jack stole Piggy's specs that light it, be constantly reminded by Piggy about what is right. means that they are getting closer to society and when the fire is not burning or is not only rescue, but hope and civilization. Even the forest fire in the end of the story, f this book, one of the most important parts is when Jack let the fire go out to go hunting.Although hunting is not necessarily barbaric or a loss of civilization, it is still what leads up to the loss of civilization. When Ralph realizes the power of the fire going, all hopes in contacting civilization outside are shattered. The fire is their only chance of survival and if it goes out, their destined to stay on the island forever. As long as the fire is well maintained, the boys show a desire to return to their civilization, but when the fire burns low or goes out, the boys lose sight of their wish

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Lethal Injection by Vilhelm Sjostrom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lethal Injection by Vilhelm Sjostrom - Essay Example Cartoon images have a general appeal to the public and he conveys a general public image by manipulating them to render his own message. He abducted Ronald, the marketing strategy of McDonald, and asked them to reveal their code of ethics. On non-compliance, Jani Leinonen and his friends destroyed Ronald and had to spend a few days in jail. He and his friends call themselves the Food Liberation Army (Leinonen). The picture in question is the right opposite of what Scooby-Doo is on screen. Scooby-Doo is a scared-to-death character who gets lucky each time there is to solve. He runs away from the slightest sign of danger and is a huge fan of food. The painting is part of the â€Å"True Patriot† Series. Scooby-Doo is a ‘lucky’ patriot. He has to be infused with special IVRs to get him to be that special patriot and stop being the scared character that he is. To make him a brave dog, he needs that extra shot. The picture’s name is also very interesting. For Sco oby the injection is lethal to say the least. He enjoys his laid-back life style. He avoids any confrontations and believes in a blissful and content life. To become a patriot he will have to leave all his pleasures and work more as an individual. Be a more proactive member of his team. If he becomes a patriot his skills will be more useful not just as a big dog with his team, but also a sleuth who has good mystery solving skills. Looking at the picture and at Jani Leinonen’s way of life if is not difficult to draw similarities. Jani Leinonen.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Russia's Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Russia's Economy - Essay Example Firstly, with regards to the strength that exist within the Russian Federation, it can categorically be said that the natural resource markets for oil, natural gas, and mineral extraction have provided the Russian Federation with a runaway level of economic growth during a period in which much of the remainder of the world has been mired in recession. As a direct result of the fact that the Russian Federation has untold billions of barrels of oil in on reservoirs, the potential for growth within the near future is profound. Moreover, surveys into overall levels of natural gas resources within the Russian Federation indicate that this country has the largest known reserves of natural gas anywhere in the rest of the world.1 Copious supplies of coal, iron, gold, silver, diamonds, and other desired natural resources are also found in abundance in Russia’s the vast eastern wilderness. Finally, another core strength/bright spot of the Russian economy is concentric upon the fact that the Russian Federation exhibit a very high level of educational aptitude and higher learning; doubtless the result of decades of Soviet education that adequately equipped individuals with profound levels of scientific and engineering knowledge. However, apart from the bright spots and potentials for development that had previously been elaborated upon, perhaps the greatest drawback that exists currently within the Russian Federation is contingent upon the overall level of corruption within the country. At nearly almost every level, corruption is a stifling influence which creates unknown prices and incalculable expense for companies that choose to operate within its borders. Such a constraint to foreign direct investment has significantly reduces the overall number of firms that are actively interested in developing their companies further within the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Nature of Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Nature of Knowledge - Essay Example In the seventeenth century, Western scientists started deeper inquiry into earlier postulates. Thus ,it was only when Copernicus came and gave them proof that the earth goes round the sun , that the scientists' opinion changed into knowledge. America was discovered when opinion that the earth was flat, changed into knowledge that it was round, Epistemology is the study of the nature, origin and limits of human knowledge. We come to the question, "What is Knowledge" Is it something concrete or is it something abstract To define knowledge, we must study the uses of knowledge. Knowledge can be 'know him' or 'know that' or 'know how.' It is the task of philosophy to discuss this question- what is knowledge Is it intuitive or acquired through experience How is knowledge different from opinion While Plato answers the enigma of knowledge in his Republic, Aristotle refutes Plato's theories in his writings. Although Aristotle 's empirical theories have been the basis of modern science, I think that Plato is right when he says that knowledge involves true belief, since no one can know what is false. Now, the question, "What is knowledge " poses a conundrum which needs a lot of thinking. To understand the concept of knowledge, we must look at the language. Language is the medium in which a concept can be formed. By studying how the words are used, we can get a fair idea of a concept. To answer the question 'What is knowledge' , we should go to the uses of knowledge. Knowledge is 'know that', or ' know how' or ' know where'. There is an important difference between ' know that' and ' know how'. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "'Know that 'denotes the possession of specific pieces of information , and a person who has knowledge of this sort can generally convey it to others."(p. 473) Epistemology is focused on 'knowing that'. On the other hand, 'know how' is knowledge related to a skill or ability. A person can have a knowledge of swimming and be a good swimmer , but he may not be able to convey this skill to others. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, 'know how' is a knowledge or ability, "One can have knowledge without being able to explain to other people what it is that one knows"(p. 473) Plato explains knowledge in many of his books including The Republic and the Theaetetus .His works are in the form of dialogues between the pupil and the preceptor The Republic is the most famous of his works. The Theaetetus is one of Plato's greatest works on epistemology probably written in 369 B.C. In this work which is the form of a dialogue, Plato discusses the question "What is knowledge" The question and answer exchange takes place between Socrates, the main questioner , and two of his young pupils. The key question of the dialogue is "What is knowledge" When Socrates asks this question, the pupils are bewildered. The one of them comes out with the answer that it is a knowing something such as geometry or astronomy. Socrates objects to this saying that examples are not definitions. At Socrates' prompting, the young pupil comes out with a proposal that , "Knowledge is perception". When Socrates criticizes this proposal, the pupil comes up with a second proposal that "Knowledge is true belief"., which provokes Socrates to say "What is false