Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Essay Example for Free

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Essay In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces many obstacles running away from his dad because he is accompanied by Jim, who is a run away nigger. While on their cruise they encounter a â€Å"duke† and a â€Å"king,† who only seem to bring them even more trouble, and later Huck meets his long time friend Tom. Throughout the whole story Huck faces different inner arguments over how things should be done to overcome a problem. One of them is when Huck leaves to the little village around Pikesville with the duke. He later returns to the raft to take off but he notices that Jim is no where to be found. Huck finds a boy around the area and the boy explains that some guy named Phelps has found a run away nigger (which is Jim) and plans on returning it for the cash reward. Later Huck gets into a big fuss about if it’s best for him to tell Miss Watson about where Jim is located. Huck evaluates the situation and determines that if he does write to Miss Watson, Jim would benefit in the way that he would rather be a slave at home close to his family than become a slave at Pikesville; but Huck would also be relieved of his sin of doing something wicked from the beginning and not ending up in the everlasting fire but clearing his conscious to the point were God will forgive him. Huck is appealing to pathos by expressing his thoughts when he says, â€Å" I was letting on to give up sin, but away inside of me I was holding on to the biggest one of all. † (Pg.190) In this phrase Huck reveals that he knows that he was doing wrong all along and was willing to give it up but his sin was more within him. His conscious was telling him he must do the right thing aside from what he thought was fair. Though if he does tell Miss Watson where Jim there may be some consequences. First of all, Miss Watson may be mad at Jim for running away and end up selling him or she might keep him but everyone would despite him for what he did. Secondly, Jim described Huck as his only friend who had saved him from some white men by telling them about smallpox. This may cause the friendship to brake and hatred to arise between them. Lastly, Huck would be looked upon disgrace for helping a nigger run away from his owner. This side of Huck is appealing to ethos by expressing, â€Å"That’s just the way: a person does a low-down thing, and then he don’t want to take no consequences of it. Thinks as long as he can hide, it ain’t no disgrace. †(Pg. 189) This shows how Huck is credible by explaining that doing something wrong is nothing to be proud of and hiding it isn’t going to take the wrongness from it. The argument is effective because it is a very important situation in the novel. It’s a turning point on how the story takes Huck on â€Å"stealing† the nigger again. Huck then decides it is best to not tell Miss Watson but for him to take his own action on setting him free again. Even though Huck understands the other point of view he sees, he determines that it is much better to lay low and not tell anyone. The side of Huck that says he shouldn’t announce where Jim is been kept is been more rational because he explains how Jim and him wouldn’t benefit in the long run and just defame themselves. The effect over the argument is that Huck decides to find a plan to set free Jim for them to run away together once again. Another inner self argument is brought upon when the king and the duke put on a â€Å"show† to the little town in Arkansaw and get $465. This causes the uneasiness of Jim and Huck. Huck then tries to find a way to get rid of the duke and king and confess to the town’s people that they are frauds. Once again, Huck gets stuck on what would be the right way to tell on these guys. If Huck decides to tell on the duke/king he will leave happiness to the town’s people by not letting them be fooled any longer and getting them arrested for Huck and Jim to leave in peace. Huck could also steal the money from them and give it back to Mary Jane and leading them on to stay and try to get the remaining money for them not to leave empty handed as said in page 158, â€Å"They’ve got a good thing here, and they ain’t a-going to leave till they’ve played this family and this town for all they’re worth. † From this phrase we can see Huck appealing to logos because he is been critical to how the men are going to react if he would steal the money from them. In the controversy, if Huck decides to tell the doctor or Mary Jane about the situation the outcome may not be the best. If Huck tells the doctor the king or the duke could ask who told him and the doctor would blame Huck and the frauds would hate him for it and cause even more problems. Now if he were to tell Mary Jane the frauds would suspect something and leave with the money and even if Mary Jane asked for help Huck would be involved in this mess. Huck is in this hand, appealing to ethos when he says, â€Å"Her face would give them a hint, sure; they’ve got the money, and they’d slide right out and get away with it,† showing how it’s reasonable that when your about to get caught with something people tempt to run away to get away with things because they know it’s not right. The argument is effective because Huck is been reasonable by knowing that the best thing to do is to bust these thief’s and not cause more pain to the family of Mary Jane. Huck see’s both points of views in order to work things right; enough to get the frauds arrested and not causing himself any trouble. The effect of the argument is that he tells Mary Jane the truth and plans out a way for the duke/king to get caught and Jim and him to leave without no fault. Mark Twains overall argument is that society has based things from right and wrong, but sometimes what’s right may not always be right but wrong. It’s this Right vs. Wrong kind of theme, were right is wrong and wrong is right in some cases. For example, it is bad in Huck’s society to be friends with a Negro but it is right to be friends with Jim because race shouldn’t matter since we are all equal. Another example provided in the novel was when it was said to be right to turn in Jim to her owner, Miss Watson, but it is bad to do so because every man deserves to be free. In this novel Huck is been attacked with many issues such as racism, friendship, war, religion, equality, freedom, and determination. Every decision made was a struggle between Hucks mind on what was best to be done over a conflict.

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