Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Segregation and US Civil Rights Movement in the last 60 YEARS Research Paper

Segregation and US Civil Rights Movement in the last 60 YEARS - Research Paper Example These are not simply racist behavior and social-cultural inequalities. In certain circumstances, racial discrimination is institutionalized. It is set down legally, is part of the techniques employed by judicial and penitential bodies, and can lead to serious violations of fundamental human rights, in the form of degrading or inhuman treatment. Despite clear attestation to the contrary, all races in America have been declared overtime to be equally hard-working and talented, and anyone who challenges the dogma is perceived to be not merely wrong but evil. The dogma has logical effects that are profoundly important (Clark, 2003, pg., 33). If blacks, for instance, are equal to whites in every way, what explanations can be given for their poverty, dissipation and criminality? Because any theory of racial segregation has been outlawed, the only possible explanation for black lack of success is white racism although this is debatable. And since blacks are crime-prone, dissipated and marke dly poor, United States must be racked with a pervasive and horrible segregation (Rothwell, 2011, pg., 77). Racism is not just a concern in United States but one of the world’s major issues currently. Many individuals are not aware of the gravity of racism still existing in our workforces, schools and anywhere else social lives are present. This essay may help understand these instances and areas that the government can act upon Many years after the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling it can be argued that, de facto racial segregation remains a force to reckon with. United States has been reluctant to fulfill its legal duties under the International Convention on the elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Convention). This lack of commitment has necessitated the various civil rights movements demand actions. The struggle for fair employment among United States citizens has been a major concern in my view. Despite the convention report criticism of the United

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