Saturday, August 31, 2019

Racism: African American Races Essay

A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable. A big social problem in the world told would have to be racism. Some say that racism doesn’t exist but it does. Racism is a very strong word to use I have to say, but there have been a lot of unfairness and discriminations throughout the years in America. Which is what makes me interested in this topic the unfairness people receive from other people because the color of their skin. Some people I know have experienced unfair acts because of the content of their skin. Many people know that racism has occurred in the past when African Americans were treated unfairly being segregated from the opposite race. But most of that changed when people began to fight for equal rights having boycotts, protests, and consistently having those individuals who were racist know that they deserved equal rights as well as they did. And until they receive justice they were going to have their voices heard to receive justice. Racism is just with black people it’s with everybody. Any race can try anything, but there are still going to be those people who just converse with each other about other races. It’s definitely not only the Caucasian race it’s basically every race. The African-American race makes fun of the Caucasian and Latino races. The Latino race makes fun of the Caucasian and African American races. Everybody talks about everybody although it is not right I don’t believe that it will ever stop. I feel there should be a end to it simply because everybody is equal whether we want to believe it or not. So a stop to racism is a must it needs to happen now.

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