Sunday, August 11, 2019

Photography as Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Photography as Art - Essay Example The path is a murram road. From the murram road it is evident that image was taken on a hilly forest. Looking at the middle ground, the path seems to be rising from lowland to highland, which indicates that the image is on a hilly place. From the path, there are indications that vehicles use this murram road more often since there are prints of tyres. On the left had side of the image from foreground to background, there are trees that are closely grown. The trees are of different trunk sizes; thing and thick. In addition, there have different shapes, sizes, and colors of the leaves. Whereas some are dark green, there are trees with yellowish leaves and others have light green leaves. Some trees have thick leaves while other are made of up thin leaves. What’s more, the trees in the images have varied branches where some are having short branches and others are having long branches. The trees are closely packed that going through the forest may be a difficult thin. On the background of the image, the trees give a beautiful view of the image. The middle and top of the background is all covered with trees of the forest. The whole image, a combination of trees and the murram path are ground view focus where the camera specifically focused on the area. The image is well composed with the background, middle, and foreground clearly depicted. The top, middle, and center are also depicted very well without leaving out the fact that the left, right, and central positioning of the image was well done. A bright light has been used on the image to provide clear vision on the contents. The bright light used makes it possible to see the different colors of the trees, differences in shapes and trunks, as well as the how densely populated the forest is from the image (Krages 19). In addition, the bright line gives a vision of the murram path in a clearer way where viewers are able to identify the stretching of the road from lowland to highland. Different colors have been

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