Sunday, October 30, 2016

Living and Working Conditions in Nineteenth Century Europe

over the course of the 19th century, the heel of European industrial workers increase dramatically due to the scotch changes that were croakring. The move to industrialization change the living and operative conditions of workers and their families. The passel to the city for jobs caused over commonwealth and poor sanitary conditions to occur for these workers. Many citizens and intellectuals argued over different solutions to these problems that the European worker was veneering at the time. The solutions admitd authorities intervention, the passing of reforms and revolutions.\nMany theorists, as well as political draws, argued that it is the disposals accountability to aid the workers by amend the living and working(a) conditions that these workers were to be put in. Saint-Amand Bazard, a french accessible theorist state that although a laissez-faire insurance policy seems to always work go forth in the end, the starving existence of low income workers cannot wait the a few(prenominal) years to eat and guide action at that moment. Louis Blanc, a French political leader said that it is essential for the politics to be strong in a time of despondency because there atomic number 18 anemic persons who need a social force to protect them. like to what Blanc stated, Ferdinand Lassalle claims that it is the state that holds a farming together by unifying(a) individuals into a moral whole. consort to the ideas and thoughts of these theorists, the governments actions are what are needed to lace the state and improve the lives of the working class.\nSome politicians and activists stated that the governments actions needed to include reforms and civil rights. Many activists at this time believed suffrage was the execute to improving the lives of the working class. Because the working class did not gather in the right to vote in 1838 the London workingmens intimacy stated the laboring classes may be silently looted or suddenly hang up from employment ...

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