Saturday, February 1, 2014

Mod 3 Economic History Of The West

Running Head : Economic history in the WestNameUniversityCourseTutorDateThe army machine war began in 1914 and was fought in Europe . The nimble set of the war could be utter to be caused by character assassi democracy of Archduke Ferdinnad Franz at Serbia . The military of Ausro-Hungary decided to vindicate . This war was said to have been incited by countries alike(p) France unify Kingdom and was by and by joined by an opposite(prenominal) provinces like United States and Italy among other(a) European countries . This war ended in 1917 and saw Germany observe the better of and with so many casualtiesAfter the military man War I , thither came a point in time of outstanding depression (Bender 1999 . The United States of the States referred to it as the great slump There was a spherical economic end . In the US , it was mainly associated with the crashing of the buy in regimen trades in 1929 , October . This crash of the market had negative impact on international trade . Income declined and high rate of un business was experienced . From the beam of the 19th centaury , what were in the minds of most the Statesns were the issues of refinement of their territory . This was the imperialism stop (Bender , 1999 . This was whereby countries that were powerful expanded and took control over the weaker nations . This idea of intricacy led to buying of Louisiana to the west . Another marque was acquired during the war with the Mexican , during the mid-centaury . In the later 19th centaury and earlyish years of 20th centaury so American expand when it acquired the island of how-do-you-do . The acquisition of these lands brought about a heated debate amongst those opposing the idea of expanding the territory and those for this idea (Bender , 1999 . In a nutshell America imperialism period was characterized by increase in employmen! t rate and trade both within and the overseas market , thereof brought economic expansion let alone the governmental expansion that saw America venture to the Pacific and Asia among other placesDuring this period of 19th and 20th centaury , America became an industrial nation (Bender , 1999 . It had the highest rate of production in steel , timber , dimension and gold , iron and coal among other things There was a real transformation in people s way of manoeuver , businesses , and the work place at large . The main causes of this steady growth rate in industries can be attributed to debased transport system due to expansion of the railroad that facilitated the deportee of raw materials to the factories and from the factory to the markets in urban atomic bout 18as availability of cut-price job from the immigrants who were coming in America to work in the mining zones and capital , the advanced engineering that transformed production . There were new tools of work tha t compound production examples are the drilling and cutting tools , a bevy of resources and cheap vital force . This period also experienced the change of human labor to machines . The homemade or handed-down workshops became big industries . Agricultural economies changed to industrial ones . It brought about urbanization thus growth of cities . These...If you want to get a full essay, influence it on our website:

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