Friday, November 29, 2013

This essay is a detaild account of the battel of canne i wich the romans where defeated by hanable and his men. By fredy1602

The Battle of Cannae - Detailed Description The Battle of Cannae on 2 August, 216 BC serves as a classic example of a double-envelop workforcet maneuver, a way for an inferior force to defeat a schoolmaster force on open terrain. Hannibal is still examine in military acadamies. The battlefield is located in the Apulian kick on the right bank of the Aufidus (modern Ofanto) River, to the highest degree six miles southwest of Canosa di Puglia, which itself is center(prenominal) between Bari and Foggia on Italys east coast. The regular army of Hannibal, fronting west, stood to the left(a) of Aufidus (Ofanto) in the vicinity of the village Cannae,(2) situated near the embouchure of the river, and mated the troops of the consuls Gaius Terentius Varroransferred and Lucius Aemilius Paulus. The Opposing Forces Rome put a massive ft force into the field against Hannibal. The combined forces of the dickens consuls totalled had 55,000 intemperately arm work force, 8,000 lightly arme d manpower, 6,000 mounted men - involved in the actual battle - and, in the both fortified camps, 2,600 heavily armed men, 7,400 lightly armed men (a total of 10,000) at his further disposition, so that the total military strength of the Roman army amounted to 79,000 men. It is known from Livy that the First, cooperate, and Third manys took part in the battle. Paullus was with the First Legion. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Publius Cornelius Scipio (Africanus-to-be) was in addition there, at the age of about nineteen years with the Second legion. (Green as he was, though, he - along with Pulcher, from the Third legion - was given temporary overlook of the remnants of the Roman army ! after(prenominal) the battle and before Varro was heard from.) to a fault present was Fabius Maximus, the password of the ex-dictator. Hannibals troops amounted to probably only 32,000 heavily armed men (including only 12,000... If you want to get a full essay, show it on our website:

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