Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Decline of Feudalism

The Decline of feudalism The ciphers that led to the declivity of feudalisticism in nuclear number 63 between the 11th and 14th centuries were the crusades, the natural-fashioned funds economy, the emersion of townspeoples, the Black Death, and the Hundred Years War. Feudalism began in the AD 900s in northern France. Feudalism is a decentralized government. It is ground on how nobles interact with other nobles. In feudalism the power gives out land, Nobles receive land and name an oath of commitment and also receive rent from frys, knights make out an oath of subjection and ar in the royal army. In feudalism peasants knuckle under rent to nobles, and live and conk out on fiefs. The crusades had a enormous act on the ancestry of feudalism. One accomplishment the crusades had on the go down of feudalism was it gave to a greater extent power to the King. Also an establish was to masturbate money for weapons nobles sell t heritor estates. some oth er payoff was that the fag gained land when nobles died in battle and didnt have an heritor (Farah 321). Those are a few of the effects of the crusades on the decline of feudalism. The money economy is another(prenominal) reason for the decline of feudalism. An effect of the new system is that Kings, nobles, and clergy became dependent on money. Instead of feudal function they accepted money. They also had to sell their land to break tally taxes and loans. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Another effect was that serfs and peasants could acquire their freedom (Farah 323). Those are the reasons the money economy affected the decline of feudalism. The growing of towns was another factor in the ! decline of feudalism. One effect was that serfs and peasants lowlife buy their freedom so they move to towns because they are safer and protection. Another effect was that nobles had to look for a new serf or peasant or even pay for one. Also an effect was that if a peasant or serf moved to a town they could get jobs and not have to work on a fief again (Farah 323). Thats why the growth of towns affected the decline of feudalism. The Black Death, or bubonic plague, is...If you compliments to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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