Monday, September 9, 2013

In An Essay You Summarize By Analysing The Five Authors Arguments Regarding The Social And Sacred Elements Of Marriage.(articles Below)

On Same-Sex MarriageThe main point that Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope benedict 16 ) argues in his essay entitled Considerations regarding proposals to give strained recognition to unions amid homosexual persons is that Catholic politicians and all Christians should check the legalization of homosexual polite unions because it is against the teaching of the church building , the immanent moral law and even in the light of make up crusade biological , anthropological , cordial and legal sCardinal Ratzinger starts his parameter by defining union according to the al-Quran . The sacred scripture specifically the book of Genesis says that wedding exists solely surrounded by a man and a woman and that the union is mephistophelean to cooperate with God in the procreation and upbringing of in the raw human lives (R atzinger , 2003 , Par . 2Cardinal Ratzinger contends that same-sex marriage does not uphold the in writing(p) moral lawRatzinger also believes that same-sex marriage is contrary to right intellectual because same-sex unions result have the same legal benefits as those of consecutive marriage . This is not according to right reason because , as Cardinal Ratzinger says , giving the homosexual couples the legal guarantees the same as the heterosexual couples will condone and propagate homosexual acts funnily to the new generation (Ratzinger 2003 , Par . 6Ratzinger continues that same-sex marriage , being a relationship that cannot produce a childe goes contrary to biological and anthropological s . He says that same-sex unions do not contribute to the tenacity of the human race and the family will not be in operation(p) because of its effect of adopted children . Adopted children of parents from same-sex marriage is not conducive to their ripe human development becaus e they are not premiss the chance to exper! ience having a traditional family set-up of having a flurry and a father (Ratzinger 2003 , Par . 7The Vatican and Pope Benedict cardinal find a staunch supporter regarding same-sex marriage in the person of America s powerful leader , chairman George seek . is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
In the article entitled Bush asks the Vatican for Help (2004 , Allen reports that professorship Bush visits the Vatican to request for economic aid in reminding the Catholic bishops in the United States to support President Bush in his vex against same-sex marriage . The article states that President Bush turn out against man marriage and his support of the traditional marr iage will help him in his re-election bidReverend Howard Moody s essay Sacred ceremony or Civil Right : Gay Marriage Shows wherefore We indispensableness to Separate Church State (2004 ) analyzes the issue of marriage deep by urging the concerned people to break out church s religious interpretation of marriage and the state s civil definition of marriage . He says that the departure that arises regarding the issue of same-sex marriage is because of the conflict between the church and the state (Moody , Par . 3 . The definition of marriage or union for the state is that it is a social and voluntary contract which is made to protect specie , stead and children (Moody , Par 3 . It is different from the marriage officiated by the Church because civil unions...If you want to get a full essay, rewrite it on our website:

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